New Pak kits

hi fahad doin a gr8 job
when will you make it available for download
good luck
last one is the best

Is anyone trying to make the kits for PAK from above given pictures? those who r trying add a message here so that i could know that someone is making the kits. WackoJacko, Gilly, Insha, Inam ....... anyone there trying for the kits.
i'll get around to doing the pak kit (2) later but i found a few pics last ninght and done these kits :D
This is from the 1992 WorldCup and this kit is also good. Please fulfill my request and do Kit(2).

But, thanks anyway.
hi gilly204

u have found a v.good kits. can u give it for download ?

if anyone has made other kits than put it here for download ?

been very busy lately so i didn't get the time to make more kits but here is the first lot ;)
all you have to do is extract the files to the pakistan kits folder :D
i've almost finished kit(2) but i don't know what logos go in the kit.
once i get them i'm finninshed
got the logos of the pakistan team in the world cup of 1992 :D
here is the pakistan world cup 1992 kit ;)
Hi.......great job Gilly204.

i liked it. I hope u will soon put the other kits for download.

waiting for the kits

good work again

I like the kit(2)...............EXCELLENT work Gilly. :D :rolleyes:
hi Gilly 204

have u made some more kits for PAK team ? I m waiting for the more kits of PAK team............
can anyone create the pak kits from the photos which i have posted on the page 2. Gilly made just 2 kits can anyone make them. Wackojacko, Andrew, ..........
can anyone create the matching backnumber to the color of the kits. The default EA kits backnumber colors are used in the kits? see the attachment I have marked it by red circles.

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