new to cricket


School Cricketer
Jun 29, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
i'm new to cricket games and i am very poor (my best is like 10 runs all out). has anyone got any hint or tips for me.i dont understand the controls either.

like the game but i'm crap
Practise makes perfect, just keep playing and playing and certain shots will come to you.
I am only an average player btw, also when you do improve bit by bit you will get such a great sense of satisfaction from it.
ps Are you using the correct buttons, in the demo I was using button 3 thinking it was normal shot but it was advance lol, only when I bought the game and read the manual did I realise this :idiot:
Im not new to crciket but i am crap my highest is very low aswell like 16 all out I can never hit the ball hard someone siad it was all about timing but if i press the button ir doesnt work later doesnt work when exactly do u press the button and which button is the best to use please help!!!!!
you cant say when to push the button, you have to work it out by yourself, you need to practice heaps before you can consistently hit it properly
Well, in the full version of 2004 (I presume 2005 will be the same) there is a practice in the nets option. That helps a bit. They give you some advice on whether you are swinging too early or too late etc. Best advice is to stick to only a few shots (like the drive for example) and practice it until you get it right. Don't try and hit every ball and avoid using the "six-hit" button until you have got the controls sussed. My first few games gave me the same - 25 all out was my best score for a while. Now I can knock up 250-300 on hardest skill level no worries. Practice does make perfect. If you can, use a game controller - I think it's easier than keyboard. Good luck!
cheers, i'll just practice for a few hours.

can someone tell me how to block (ps2)
spicester said:
cheers, i'll just practice for a few hours.

can someone tell me how to block (ps2)
Read the manual.
can u type something in the manual here, so atleast we could try to understand?
i have for a few hours but i still dont know how. it keeps going under my bat when i swing

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