NFL players, are they pussies?

Andrew G

Club Cricketer
Mar 9, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
NFL players, are they wusses?

Hi guys...

Most people in Oz think American NFL players are wusses,
really it's easy to see why, they wear helmets and padding
that is over and inch thick, they play quarters rather than halves
which shows they aren't really athletes and each team has a squad
for offence and defence and rarely a player will play an entire game.
An annoying thing is the game stops and starts continuesly,
where as Union and League actually has some pace to it.
The average Rugby Union and League player is just as big in weight,
they wear minimal (& at times no) padding, they don't wear helmets,
they play 40 minute halves and most players play atleast 40-60 minutes
of a game, only coming off the field once or twice, which shows they
are really athletic and sportsmen.

Sorry but I'm going to have dig at Soccer aswell...
True, these guys are athletes in any book, no doubt about that,
but the fact alot of players take falls on purpose just to get a penalty
really spoils the game, come on, where's the sportsmanship in that?
If it wasn't for that, I'd love Soccer. But the way it is now, If a team can't
score points playing the game, they play the Referee instead and hope he
falls for their trick(s), now that's just being a wuss and it's pathetic.

Anyway, that's just my 1 dollar & 2 cents. :D
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who gives a toss, NFL is a crap sport anyway, why are we talking about NFL here when this is a cricket website ????
the only reason players dive is because they want to win where's the harm in that typical aussie attitude if there not good at any sport then they slag it off o wait there crap at every sport apart from aussie rules which is only player in australia funnily enough
danny2502 said:
the only reason players dive is because they want to win where's the harm in that typical aussie attitude if there not good at any sport then they slag it off o wait there crap at every sport apart from aussie rules which is only player in australia funnily enough
Strange that only Aussie's play AFL, oh wait, America, Ireland, Korea,
China, Japan, Greece and about 10 other countries were here playing
against us just a month ago. Geez, you're a smart one aren't you danny boy?

Yes we are crap at all sports except AFL, oh wait, we are good at hockey,
cricket, rugby union, rugby league, bowls, yacht racing, motorsport,
swimming, plus a whole lot more I have no real interest in...

Isn't it funny how we've been world champions in all of these sports above,
after all, we are a sporting nation and eventually dominate any sport we
have a high regard for. We hate baseball, yet we came second at the
olympics, where did the home of baseball come? - they didn't even qualify.
So yeah, we suck at all sport huh genius?

Get your facts right next time...
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Cricket - Second Best (Well should be if the icc get the points right) and need i remind you that you lost to bangladesh in an ODI even my local cricket team can beat them you muppet

Rugby Union - Bottom of the tri nations World Cup Runners Up To a One Man Team

Bowls & Yacht Racing - Running Low On Ideas Were You and i think the british dominate in bowls

MotorSport - When Was the last australian to win the MOTOGP or Formula 1 World Championship

Swimming - I Think you find america now dominates swimming now

Same old aussies so arrogant that they make themselves look stupid
In defence to the Aussies, don't you watch Superbikes? Ever heard of Karl Muggeridge? Chrus Vermulen and Troy Corser???
danny2502 said:
Cricket - Second Best (Well should be if the icc get the points right) and need i remind you that you lost to bangladesh in an ODI even my local cricket team can beat them you muppet
So I guess the fact we are the current world champions means we are
not the current world champions?...You are smart aren't you. :D
We've dominated cricket for over a decade, a few loses means nothing.
There are plenty of Britons who will say the same. Being half Brit and half
Scot, I hope they win the world championship, there's nothing better
than stiff competition, because when somebody dominates a sport for so long,
they tend to get slack, England beating us is for the best of Australian,
English and World cricket in general, so I'm happy.

Rugby Union - Bottom of the tri nations World Cup Runners Up To a One Man Team
Did I say we we are the current world my post again,
maybe your brain will pick up on that. We have won more world championships
than any other country on this planet.
Like I said, we eventually dominate every sport we hold a high regard for,
no nation can continuelly dominate a sport, American baseball fans know that,
example, America's domination of baseball has been broken.

Bowls & Yacht Racing - Running Low On Ideas Were You and i think the british dominate in bowls
Oh don't watch Bowls do you?, I do.
Steve Glasin has won the world championship 7 times, most of them back-to-back.
In the bowls world he is seen as the best, nobody has won that many.
Sure he lost the last world championship, but his opponent who beat him
still sees him as the best, and yes, he did say this, I watched that match,
did you?

MotorSport - When Was the last australian to win the MOTOGP or Formula 1 World Championship
Again, if you were smart enough, I didn't say we are the current world
champ's, but it was Aussie's who helped make Rossi a 5 time world champ,
they're the same Aussie's who took Mick Doohan to 5 world champs.
I wonder how many Americans won the F1 championship?, was it 2, they
took 2 titles between them, Jack Brabham beat that total on his own.
Oh yeah World Superbikes, it's already been pointed out to you, so...

Swimming - I Think you find america now dominates swimming now
I didn't say we dominated swimming, but we have, learn to read, what I said
was have won world champs in this sport, would you like me to point that out to you?
It is the least I can do for somebody who can't read properly.

Same old aussies so arrogant that they make themselves look stupid
I didn't insult America in my first post, only NFL, why take this that far and
insult my nation?, don't say because Americans play Grid Iron or invented
the sport, you aren't the only ones who play it, genius. Being you did insult
Australia, I'll give insulting your nation a half-hearted attempt: You know what?,
I'm not going to stoop as low as you, somebody who goes as low as you is
a pathetic person, I'm better than that and better than you because of it.

If you continue to insult my country specifically, rather than a sport which I did,
I'll continue it and do the same, so be smart and don't complain about your
arrogance and insults leading to the same to be done to you.
I'm a fair man and I treat people in the same way they treat me or my nation.
I insulted a sport, the fair thing for you to would be to do the same.
Because you did insult my nation on purpose and did it specifically,
which is 'discrimination', I'm reporting you to an Administrator.

BTW; I love how you have taken my words out of context on purpose, it reveals alot.

Have a nice day...
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indiancricketer said:
lol i thought you guys where going to change the name lol
I tried, but there must be a time limit, so it stayed that way.

Happy cricketing...
Andrew G.
in what way am i discriminating you i didn't say that i h8ted the aussies i'm just saying there arrogant like the french sure britons not perfect but if you ask the americans most of them would say they would rather live in britton

o and i don't think you should have reported me for discrimination after you launched a personal attack on me
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First off, you deserved that personal attack, afterall, it was you who
attacked me personaly in the first place, so don't have a sook about it.

Secondly, I never attacked America specifically like you did Australia
and Australians, so why go so low and attack Australia for no valid reason?

Strange you say most Americans, I'm a member of a few Nr2003 forums which
are full of Americans, a large majority keep in contact with me on a regular basis
because they think I'm a cool guy, so don't talk for all Americans, you don't know
all Americans. Those American friends of mine know how I feel about Grid Iron
and they have no problem with that, the only reason I can figure out why you
have such a personal problem with me not liking NFL is because you happen
to be less mature than them.

So tell me, why do have such a personal problem with me not liking NFL?
If you didn't you wouldn't of come in here and slagged off me and Australians,
if it isn't personal, you must be very imature, otherwise you would have
just brushed it off and moved on, as a mature person would do.
There's Soccer fans that have seen this thread and they've been mature
enough to brush it aside, some have said a few words but have not attacked
Australia or me personaly, yet you can't do either...

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