NFL players, are they pussies?

Strange you say most Americans, I'm a member of a few Nr2003 forums which
are full of Americans, a large majority keep in contact with me on a regular basis
because they think I'm a cool guy, so don't talk for all Americans, you don't know
all Americans. Those American friends of mine know how I feel about Grid Iron
and they have no problem with that, the only reason I can figure out why you
have such a personal problem with me not liking NFL is because you happen
to be less mature than them.

So tell me, why do have such a personal problem with me not liking NFL?
If you didn't you wouldn't of come in here and slagged off me and Australians,
if it isn't personal, you must be very imature, otherwise you would have
just brushed it off and moved on, as a mature person would do.
There's Soccer fans that have seen this thread and they've been mature
enough to brush it aside, some have said a few words but have not attacked
Australia or me personaly, yet you can't do either...

What are you talking about what has NFL got to do with this i didn't mention NFL in any of my posts
Thought I'd address the actual topic rather than engaging in needless Nationalist rhetoric.
Andrew G said:
Most people in Oz think American NFL players are wusses,
really it's easy to see why, they wear helmets and padding
that is over and inch thick
Football (soccer) - Allegedly still a contact sport (but thanks to the last couple of generations of players who are we kidding?)

Cricket - Non contact sport yet all players wear pads and helmets

Rugby - Played by real men (even if the shirts are getting to be a little too figure-hugging for my taste). Brutal CONTACT sport.

American football - FULL IMPACT SPORT. That's the big difference. Hitting is allowed (and encouraged). And I'm not talking about punching people. You can't hit someone in Rugby there are rules about tackling that exist to prevent injuries. Players respect them because they don't want to injure eachother or be injured themselves. There are very few rules in the NFL about hitting, hence the pads. The main padding is on the shoulders the rest of it is no thicker than a soccer shin-pad. If you want to get hit by a guy who weighs 250lbs/113Kg and can run the 100m in 12 seconds without padding then you go for it. They introduced mandatory padding and helmets because so many people were DYING playing the sport in the early days.

Andrew G said:
they play quarters rather than halves
which shows they aren't really athletes and each team has a squad
for offence and defence and rarely a player will play an entire game.
Basketball players only play 4 12 minute quarters and are universally recognised as some of the best athletes in the world.

I would never describe Shane Warne as an athlete but that doesn't stop him from being the best spin bowler (possibly ever) technically as well as tactically. I'd want him on my team even though he can't run more than 10 minutes without gasping for a cigarette.

Andrew G said:
An annoying thing is the game stops and starts continuesly, where as Union and League actually has some pace to it.
Hmm... what other game stops and starts continuously? Oh yes: Cricket! We all seem to like that though?!

Andrew G said:
The average Rugby Union and League player is just as big in weight,they wear minimal (& at times no) padding, they don't wear helmets,they play 40 minute halves and most players play atleast 40-60 minutes of a game, only coming off the field once or twice, which shows they
are really athletic and sportsmen.
Even if that is true about the average size and weight (and I'm not sure that it is), you certainly don't get guys in Rugby who stand 6'7" or 2m+ who weigh in at over 350lbs or 159Kgs and can bench-press 700lbs or 318Kg or other guys who have world-class sprinter speed and amazing agility and hand-eye co-ordination to go along with it. Comparing Rugby and American football is careless because they are deliberately so different. It's not often you see a sport where you have one player who is literally twice the size of his teammate. Yet they both have important roles to play which governs the level of 'athleticism' they require. Ironically, it's the big 'fat' guys who play more minutes than anyone else
Cricket - Non contact sport yet all players wear pads and helmets

Let me throw a cricket ball at your head and then you'l understand why they pads and helmets

American football - FULL IMPACT SPORT. That's the big difference. Hitting is allowed (and encouraged). And I'm not talking about punching people. You can't hit someone in Rugby there are rules about tackling that exist to prevent injuries. Players respect them because they don't want to injure eachother or be injured themselves. There are very few rules in the NFL about hitting, hence the pads. The main padding is on the shoulders the rest of it is no thicker than a soccer shin-pad. If you want to get hit by a guy who weighs 250lbs/113Kg and can run the 100m in 12 seconds without padding then you go for it. They introduced mandatory padding and helmets because so many people were DYING playing the sport in the early days.

Yeah but the problem is every part of the body is protected in my personal opinion only the head need and thoart needs to be protected so they feel the inpact and learn how to take it like a man

Basketball players only play 4 12 minute quarters and are universally recognised as some of the best athletes in the world.

yeah but they play nearly non stop for those 12 mins and trust me it's very tiring well 5 mins non stop is very tiring in basketball but those guys are athletes

I would never describe Shane Warne as an athlete but that doesn't stop him from being the best spin bowler (possibly ever) technically as well as tactically. I'd want him on my team even though he can't run more than 10 minutes without gasping for a cigarette.

Shane warne carn't even last 5 minutes without a ciggerette 10 minutes without a line of cocaine and 15 minutes without a shag from a prossie but still a great player on the pitch

Hmm... what other game stops and starts continuously? Oh yes: Cricket! We all seem to like that though?!

Acahly 20/20 cricket is virtually non-stop they only stop in test and ODI's because it can be very dehaidrating out there
danny2502 said:
What are you talking about what has NFL got to do with this i didn't mention NFL in any of my posts
So why did you come in this thread about NFL and start arguing with me?
What you're inadvertantly saying is that you posted in this thread to just
start an arguement and flame somebody, nothing more.

Do you even realize what you're saying?, I think not...:rolleyes:

Burma... (thankfully somebody who's decent to chat with)
When you say 'Rugby', which code(s) are you refering to, mate?
Reason why I ask is Ruby League in Australia is far more brutal than Rugby Union,
there's been plenty of players hit in tackles that they've had their careers ended,
it happens all the time here, there's even a player who's playing with a broken neck
this season, which is just plain crazy. And yeah, the average weight of a player
here is between 110-115kg, players smaller than that usually are wingers,
and players in the 130-160kg range are far from uncommon aswell.

Catchya mate...
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i only gave you a reason on why soccer players dive and that the aussies only slag off sports withc they carn't play
i only gave you a reason on why soccer players dive and that the aussies only slag off sports withc they carn't play
Correct, but not exactly the truth is it, Danny?

danny2502 said:
o wait there crap at every sport apart from aussie rules which is only player in australia funnily enough
And what else did you write Danny?, ^here it is!^
You weren't even right about that, far from it.

Do yourself a favour,
admit to yourself you did wrong, give up and move on...
Do yourself a favour,
admit to yourself you did wrong, give up and move on...

alrite calm down let's not turn this rape into a murder
Andrew G said:
Hi guys...

Most people in Oz think American NFL players are wusses,
really it's easy to see why, they wear helmets and padding
that is over and inch thick, they play quarters rather than halves
which shows they aren't really athletes and each team has a squad
for offence and defence and rarely a player will play an entire game.
An annoying thing is the game stops and starts continuesly,
where as Union and League actually has some pace to it.
The average Rugby Union and League player is just as big in weight,
they wear minimal (& at times no) padding, they don't wear helmets,
they play 40 minute halves and most players play atleast 40-60 minutes
of a game, only coming off the field once or twice, which shows they
are really athletic and sportsmen.

Sorry but I'm going to have dig at Soccer aswell...
True, these guys are athletes in any book, no doubt about that,
but the fact alot of players take falls on purpose just to get a penalty
really spoils the game, come on, where's the sportsmanship in that?
If it wasn't for that, I'd love Soccer. But the way it is now, If a team can't
score points playing the game, they play the Referee instead and hope he
falls for their trick(s), now that's just being a wuss and it's pathetic.

Anyway, that's just my 1 dollar & 2 cents. :D

Agree with about 100% of what you say!! couldnt have put it better

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