Nikhil's Patches

Well my process is less time consuming just press print screen -- paste --- crop and youre done...

While the actual cursor files have different backgrounds and some of them are tiled
For the persons wondering why Nikhil has not been found on the forums(especially for admin so that you don't remove him from the forums), his telephone line is disconnected and he cannot access internet anymore !


Wondering how I know that, well no big issue we r too close a friends !

:cheer: :thumbs:
Nikhil you have my photo

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Please make it a Player Photo !!!!!!!! I mean I want to use it in the game (i don't have Photoshop)
Can anyone send me or post link to the radar modification as i cant get it from file front as nothing happens when i select a server, thanx in advance! :cheer:
Coming Soon.....

Tutorials on face making :

Since is almost dead (no updates) and their promised tutorials aren't working so i'll make the face making tutorial and hope that vineet (whenever he's online <_< ) puts it on his site.

Photoshop Basics Tutorial :

Since i have almost mastered Photoshop so i'm gonna write a tutorial which will explain about the basics of photoshow and hope that it'll be helpful to newbies.

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