Team Thread Nine Dragons: As active as an American truck driver

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And the eyes.
And the nose.
And the eyebrows.
And the mouth.
And the ears.
And the shape of the face
And the spectacles frame. How could you fail to mention the obviously different spectacles frames?
Can I also point out that the Nine Dragons depiction also possesses very nicely shaped stublé.
Send your team's barber our way, if you please?
I'd like to take the reins of either the FC or T20 teams (preferably T20), but not the ODs which I will be simulating.
All the other teams have promised vcash prizes for joining. I don't want to sound stupid and ask for the same... I mean I don't want to but... Can I have a pet dragon? Please... Pretty please? :yes
I'd like to volunteer to be the First Class captain, although I also could do OD games as well.

Assuming that we plan to do this democratically, I feel that we should ensure that our captains are more legitimate than the other teams and use instant runoff voting.
How many Dragons does it take to change a light bulb? ...Nine?
Oh, I see. One to change it and the other eight to go to the Cash and Carry.
we should just sledge each other

that varun, he's a right idiot that my gran could bowl out

I think that's me successfully insulted at least two people in this team
I feel that we should ensure that our captains are more legitimate than the other teams and use instant runoff voting.
I will accept attacks on our team name, or losing lots of matches, but I will not stand for this unacceptable and unfounded attack!!!!

All team members can vote by sending me a PM with those three arranged in the order you would prefer them as captain

Obviously though as I'm selecting a captain and a vice captain I'll be using a quota based STV system.

I demand a retraction!
I retract my previous statement; and applaud the Hugging Muffins for the very democratic and progressive way that they are electing their captain

the only good thing they'll ever do imo
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