Team Thread Nine Dragons: As active as an American truck driver

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*Just a bought a DVD of How to train Your Dragon

How are we planning to do the shop thing? I'd personally beef up our fast bowling stocks plus the captains since they are bound to ne playing in a load of games anyway
How are we planning to do the shop thing? I'd personally beef up our fast bowling stocks plus the captains since they are bound to ne playing in a load of games anyway
Actually, can you handle the shop for us please? I really dislike the whole thing, and struggle with the concept anyway.
Cool; I'll get confirmation from yous all here first just to make sure that I'm not being stupid

If my maths are correct, we have £55,000 to spend in this. I think that we need to focus on players that will play the bulk of our games: which from the top of my head would be the captains, at least one of the faster bowlers and @Varun since he's our only keeper. I wouldn't touch our star players since the upgrades for them are too expensive and a more efficient use of our cash would be to target lower pool players.

So perhaps we do something such as intensives for Varun Rustagi and Rick Adams or Kai Winch, plus one for one of Alexander McKenzie, Blitzberg Steel and Svenke Ulberg (total of 14,000*3=42,000), plus basics for the other two captains (5,000*2=10,000) for a total of 52,000? I don't know whether that would be the best idea - I don't know whether improving more players a wee bit would be better than improving a small number a lot...
Yes spend on me. :p

Do we have a solid pool of pure batsmen? If not, they could use upgrades.
That's what I was also thinking; but I'm not sure how we'd do it.

I'm upgrading you mostly because you are the only keeper we have so you'll play every game regardless, so spending on you kinda makes sense!
That sounds like a plan - spending on Varun and BlitzBerg seems pretty sensible as we're rather short on out-and-out batsmen.
So intensives for Varun, Blitzberg and someone else (I'm now not sure whether this should be one of the batting all-rounders rather than a quick bowler?); and basics for VC and myself? The first two are fixed; I still think that giving the people guaranteed to play every game in at least one of the formats something is sensible but if there's a valid argument for someone else I'd be willing to drop whatever training I'd get.

e: Misbah's our only other batsman and as he's a star player I'm going to veto training on him because its either not possible or very, very expensive.
We have Hogg who is a pure spinner. I believe it makes better sense to utilize the remaining by giving one intensive boost to a pure pacer. And 2 basic boosts to one AR who is a spinner.[DOUBLEPOST=1438265802][/DOUBLEPOST]Also is there a limit to no of star players per match? Or all 3 can play at once?
Two star players per match, although I doubt there will be a limit in pre-season games
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