On the fence because of the AI

I Dont really get this

Its a really good game. If you like sports games and Cricket you will get your money's worth.

It's not like you're buying a new house, it costs less than a night out.
AI is "artificial" anyways. Today, AI hasn't evolved in 90% of the games to replace humans.

Pick any game - say Deus Ex:HR. Highly rated game. You play on hard difficulty and you get noticed by a patrolling guard and you kill him. But you get detected by another guard and they all panic and sound the alarms and actively seek you out. You hide in a corner for say 3mins, the alarms go silent and everyone resumes their patrol. The AI guard reports "nothing to report" as he's walking past his dead comrades body.

And this is a highly rated game. Other games in fps or any genre suffer the same fate - you kill enemies lined up as the all fall without any issue, fail to notice their driver is now a bald headed guy with a barcode on his head (Hitman) etc. etc.

That is why people prefer playing against multiplayer opponents in games like CoD or BF4 or CounterStrike etc. Because the AI is just not up to what can be considered "realistic".

Racing games have similar issues - you lead the pack but rubber-band AI causes the AI cars to appear right next to you which seems impossible. So too do other games in any category - it almost feels like either the AI cheats or is scripted. Which is what people feel here too.

By comparison, this game is also suffering from that same fate. Albeit to what extent is debatable.

Personally, I do find the AI stupid at times but at times it is challenging. The overall feel for the game is good and I think I get my money's worth mostly when I play this game. To me, that is reward in itself.
BLC 99 had awful AI like every game before and after it.

To be fair; that game is now 15 years old, and every 1999 sports game had an AI that was thicker than a two year old...
I Dont really get this

Welcome to PlanetCricket...

It's not like you're buying a new house, it costs less than a night out.


Being an AI researcher myself and an avid cricket fan, I've spent some time thinking about designing a good AI for a cricket game.

As opposed to the real game designer that that really produced a game that we're really playing? Gotcha.
I've run a few games strickly with the AI playing the AI with modified teams stats and attributes. I've come to the realisation that it's totally down to the stats and attributes assigned to the teams by the creators (not intentionally, but there was always a cloud over what kind of stat or attribute meant what in real life/the game).

All the fully run (not simulated) matches I played resulted in pretty damn realistic scores (considering I'd upped the batting and bowling stats to max, a broad range of bowlers, all other attributes maxed except for the ones that affected fielding.. I was trying to find out the cause of the superman fielder syndrome, discussed in other threads). I've made a few hastily put together ideas about what stats and attributes should be assigned to the players based on this info.

Currently trying on-disk teams in career mode (as it uses the players that were tested during the 'in house' alpha and beta phase of the game development), and early signs show the AI do not collapse when you're playing and not simulating.

This doesn't tally with my pre-patch experience. I started a career mode with only default players, hadn't downloaded any players at all.

All the AI issues and super fielding issues were present.

I'd love @Ross to expand on his comments regarding "how they play the game at big ant" vs how we are playing it out here... Now i guess in terms of when we're batting, we may may be over aggressive and in longer formats not bide our time, it may be that we've not had the game long enough and aren't good enough and are too pre-meditiating... But ok what about bowling, how are they playing the game differently to get edges, not having an AI fall apart and make no challenge or be over aggressive in longer formats?

It's cricket... Surely as batting it's see ball hit ball (or see ball block ball), and bowling it's lets get the bugger out or at least keep his score down while we're trying. What are they doing differently?

Another thing... I and other creators begged for some clear guidance in creating skills and attributes. Given it would obviously have a major impact on the majority of players experience of the game, why were they not more forthcoming. Obviously there were clear reasons why they couldn't say: if i was making Dave Warner i'd give him number x for skill 1 etc. but they could have said... Well a solid test player you'd expect to have say max 80% skills and not less than 40%... If you want a guy to be poor off the back foot, and great off front foot, that'd translate to havingback foot skill no more than a third as high as front foot...

The fielders will get a bullet throw from anything over 65% arm speed, and that would give a fast bowler a top speed of 85mph... If you go over 75% youre talking 100mph... "accurate" bowlers would have 70% throw accuracy and you'd expect them to hit the stumps more than they miss when fielding inside the circle and still good even from the boundary...

Just simple guidance like that would have been invaluable, and the situation was clearly forseeable... Even as creators we said many times we'd have to tweak once we got the game, so theres no defence really.

I feel an utter douche for claiming we should have had more info, because at the end of the day we were given an astonishing amount of info. But really the info guven should have been "smarter", and really we were begging for this repeatedly.
it costs less than a night out.

...the fearsome tweak do you drink to pay that much on a night out?

I remember my nights out for ?10 in Lithuania... Well, I don't remember them very well at all, but you get the point!
...the fling do you drink to pay that much on a night out?

I remember my nights out for ?10 in Lithuania... Well, I don't remember them very well at all, but you get the point!

I remember them (cue serious emoticon)
Makes 47 posts in 12 years. Hmmmm

Your point?

If he hasn't bought the game his judgement is uninformed. Your comment on my number of posts was just stupid and pointless.


Also at least the AI isn't scripted like fifa games. Do a little bit of research about that and see how 'bad' that can be in sporting games.
Two fixes will make the game even more realistic in the single player mode IMO.
1) Improving field placements and
2) Replacing the fielders. Those illegitimate children of the superhero "Flash" must be fired and replaced with fielders who act like a human. :lol :rolleyes
These two changes will help the single player experience a lot. :yes:)
I keep getting done by the AIs slower ball - how do I know when the slower ball is coming??

^ Watch the ball closely maybe and don't premeditate?

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