Pak President Zardari sacrifices Hundreds of goats.


Club Cricketer
May 16, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
Pak president Zardari sacrifices a black goat daily to ward off evil eye

Times of India

Strange, The president of Pakistan lost his faith in his security system. He sacrifices a goat every day to ward off evil eyes. In recent past he is paasing through hard times, he is under attack from all fronts, whether Supreme court or peoples ire.

He seems to be sacrificing a goat is not a bad choice.

A black goat is slaughtered almost daily to ward off ?evil eyes? and protect President Asif Ali Zardari from ?black magic?. Does this, and the use of camel and goat milk, make the beleaguered president appear to be a superstitious man?

Well, not to his spokesman. ?It has been an old practice of Mr Zardari to offer Sadqa (animal sacrifice). He has been doing this for a long time,? spokesman Farhatullah Babar told Dawn on Tuesday.

But his detractors, who want to see him out of the Presidency, would see in his new-found religiosity a sign of nervousness in the wake of the scrapping of the NRO.

One thing is certain: Hundreds of black goats have been sacrificed since Mr Zardari moved into the President?s House in September 2008. His trusted personal servant Bai Khan buys goats from Saidpur village. The animal is touched by Mr Zardari before it is sent to his private house in F-8/2 to be sacrificed.

Insiders say that when Mr Zardari moved into the President?s House, a flock of black partridges were introduced there for their supposedly magical effects.

Unfortunately, the whole flock was electrocuted when a live wire fell on their cage.

A camel, a cow and a few goats kept on the grounds of the presidency, however, survive and provide milk for its worthy resident.

That tradition from celebrities like Mahatma Gandhi may be followed for health reasons ? as may be the Neem tree that President Zardari introduced there for its anti-septic qualities.

Is it right to kill dumb animals for personal gain?
Do you know any intelligent animals? It's not like he is killing the Lassie version in goats :p

Meh, if it keeps him happy so be it. No different from eating meat at the end of the day
Do you know any intelligent animals? It's not like he is killing the Lassie version in goats :p

Meh, if it keeps him happy so be it. No different from eating meat at the end of the day

what are you talking about...animals have as much right to exist as we do..who are people like zardari to kill them..
Not sure if "evil eyes" should be his main worry. Id be worried about bullets and bombs
Someone should sacrifice this criminal Zardari. A bloody murderer, fraud.
The main belief of sacrificing is to invoke the pleasure of God. The corollary is that bad things will not happen, of course, but that’s a matter of interpretation. How mean are people who keep meddling into others personal affairs. Someone has to get life. Who gave us right to see others like we see? The way this report is made and being used to interfere in President’s personal life is absolutely shameful and bad in taste. This is one of the many darker side of the few faction of media. They no longer know what's private and public, all they want is to have a story. It’s not right to interfere and get into one's personal life. On the part of the media, it really doesn't matter much to them, in fact, they really don't care at all about whose personal lives are they getting into and whose rights are they violating. It's all about ratings and who can get the "scoop" or the story first. That makes the lives of famous people so difficult and at some point dangerous. Most of the news regarding President Zardari that comes out are normally bad news like scandals, break ups, just to undermine him. What is wrong, if President Zardari sacrifices goat? I appreciate President for practising sadiqa, whose meat is distributed among the poor.
^ You have a good point. The entire report is structured in a way to make it sound very "evil" and "voodooish" They never mention if the meat from the animals is used to feed the poor. They make it sound as if he sacrifices them for his own personal pleasure :rtfl

What more to expect from an Indian media outlet reporting on a Pakistani politician.
talking about animals and animal rights have you guys seen the new PETA state of union dndress Ad yet??
Zandari is a idiot and shouldn't be the President...but oh well, me and non of my Family didn't voted for him because only idiots voted for him.
Idiots will vote for a Idiot
Is it right to kill dumb animals for personal gain?
What is wrong with it? A part of the ritual he practices is to distribute the meat among the poor.
He should turn his attention to slaughtering terrorists rather than goats, if he wants to ward off "evil eyes".

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