Pakistani Legends 09 Team Thread

Ollie you can change to a pure bat if you wish. We have the 4 active bowlers and yet just the 3 active batsmen. You can open next season with Bilal...
Gunna do some practice games, probably a tour again like last time but actually complete this one. Any ideas which country we could go and play in?
India have a big rivalry with them! I'm back after my holiday :)
We can't go to Scotland Tom, no domestic teams and the International squad is about as good as my club :p

Either India or England. Which will mean either Excellent pitches or Poor pitches so it can help either batsmen or bowlers. Tossing a coin now... Heads India, Tails England... Heads. Looks like the batsmen will have a good warm-up for the season then.
Let's go down the boozer! Let's go down the boozer!

Is alchol cheap in India or not? I hope so I'm skint!

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