Pause Of A Beautiful Journey For Me ... India win the series 3-2

Dragon members.....

Use our signature..............:facepalm
325 posts before starting of this season shows some of you have been greatly active :) :cheers
No You Are Wrong We Are Best
No You Are Wrong We Are Best

Great response Umair :rolleyes

Can we please disconnect ourselves from our Pasiv dream machines and revert back to reality. Have we done that...yes?...OK?
Now, Yash and the Dragons, now that we are in the real world, We will make sure the Alliance gives you a personal hiding as soon as we step out onto your feeble, withered turf. :D
WTF,its enough!I am just informing dragon new members..its called team work,not spamming.....,i don't want to talk with amature kids like you,do your own work...
^How can you be so sure? On the internet, nobody knows you you're a dog...

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