PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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pp, the deadline of this week is over... update the index please... can't wait for IPL Wallies
Not particularly a fan of the entries this time.. but I'm liking entry #5 and entry #11!

#6, #8, #9 are good as is #12 but too many mistakes with the good things there. #7 for simplicity.

But excellent efforts! The range of graphics is up to a new level on PC! KUTGW guys!
Entry 5 is the winner for me.The only complain would be that the render's face isnt visible.Other than that its fantastic.
But there would be some huge margin of difference between the top 3 and the rest of the entries.
Entry 6, 7, 11, 15.

It's gonna be tough this week, everyone is up with a quality one!
Hey guys,
don't you think that cricket wally's are getting sorta boring?
I know this is a cricket site but this isn't a cricket only Graphics forum (or is it?!?!)
Any ways, what do you guys think on a footballer for next weeks theme?
If not than how about we allow animations for 1 week, just to see how it goes;)
This topic has been closed long time ago and that time pp site this site belongs to cricket so in pcgmotw we will be having cricket theme i remember he said this only.:sarcasm
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