PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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Entry 3 signature, I'm not a fan. It's plain. Though simple, doesn't look glorious to the eyes. You know what i mean, collabers. There's simple, good work in compositing things, but it ran out of the way, for me. Though i must admit the Background is done well, adding to the touch of the brush going over the signature. But it somehow, to put it bluntly, plain. The sig is better than the avatar. But I'm not discouraging, Very well done work. Could've done miles better. :) Collabs restrict in a way, you can't do everything you want to, adding to the starter of the work.

Entry 4, brother. How better can you do it? It's got all what's needed, but overdone. If that was proper, it's blindly the winner for me. Best of the avatars, but the texturing on the signature is careless. It runs on the image with a good blending mode set. That's where you need to observe. Take off the areas from the focus points, erase them, as if it's a part of the real image. You have the texture, and you have the focus point i.e render. If you got my point. :)

Entry 5 is good, but the same color is overplaying and spoiling the look. Like a Paint Spilled over a masterpiece. As i said, over done. It's a bad bad idea to leave out the image on the clipping mask, especially when you have a vignette on the main image and then there's a sudden spark of a clipping mask with bright yellows over it at the left. Brightness is an important aspect. If you gather good sense over the adjustments, you can make the image look very natural.

All entries are good, Will write more later.

Hope my message gets posted, my bloody net.
and dont forget KBC my friend filling your post.Entry 1, could be better but lot blue text is good but avatar not good looks like only pasted the render and added 3 or 4 textures and then text done avatar could be good but i am afraid not looking good only pasted the stock and then done

Entry 2,avatar sucks really and sig looks awesome
Blake's feedback:

Entry 1: It's quite small - which is not always a problem, as sometimes small signatures can work out well. However, this looks poor. The render fades away and the text really isn't anything special. I'm not a fan of the text at all and the signature just looks far too plain for me. You haven't done a terrible job, I just am not really sure about the lighting and in my opinion it definitely needs a final sharpen - it is a bit blurry which lets it down. So, next time at the end, try an Apply Image > Sharpen Edges or simply Sharpen. Unfortunately I would rate this equal last right now but there is plenty of room for improvement in the future, to the graphic artists who created this one.

Entry 2: The best of the lot, in my opinion. Making the render stand out from the background was a very good decision in this case - it works really effectively. With small renders you can't really afford to have them fading into the background, so this one has to stand out and it does. I simply love the backgroound here - the maroon edges and black through the middle works wonderfully. The glowing C4Ds that are used around the render also look very effective, and although the text was a bold move, it paid off well. There is a subtle hint of brushing around the text which looks excellent and it also looks like the style of one certain accomplished graphic artist - I know one half of this collab for sure, anyway. Overall, it's a superb effort - great text, great effects. Not overcrowded which is good.

Entry 3: Some people before me have liked this one but it's really not doing it for me. It's a decent high quality render and the glowing lines surrounding it look excellent, and I do even like the background with the soft green brushing. However, it certainly doesn't have the wow factor of the second entry and I'm not a huge fan of the large lines moving outwards from the player. Some people use them quite frequently and think they look good, but they never really have worked for me unless it is superbly well done. The text isn't obvious and the italics font is hard to read - 'The Ireland ?'. It's a good background and a decent render but it doesn't click together. Probably the third best entry for me. I do appreciate the brushing in the background though - the dark green tinge works well with the direction if the signature and adds a bit more value, but this one isn't competing with the best for now.

Entry 4: The theory is good but it doesn't work. First of all, my attention is drawn to Kumar Sangakkara keeping which is obviously not what it should be doing. The render is facing away from the centre which is a big no-no in graphics, normally. I suggest darkening the background so Niall O'Brien is actually the focus in this one because right now he just doesn't stand out. The grunge brushes are covering his face as well which is not good - just get a soft eraser and brush them out of his face. The text is poor and extremely hard to read - I didn't even notice the O'Brien until I stared at it for quite a while. Overall, I suggest moving the picture over to the right a lot so that Niall O'Brien is facing the middle or is in the middle, darkening the background quite a deal, and making some brighter effects and perhaps adding a splash of green to it. Probably tied with signature 1 right now in last place, but there is definitely potential here.

Entry 5: There is definitely a lot of potential in these graphic artists and I'm going to award this one my second place. I can tell that when everything works for these two artists they could create a spectacular piece of work, but right now they are only at the halfway mark. I am a big fan of the effects and renders but I think you have gone a tad overboard with them - I think you should ditch the yellow at the top completely and have it coming up from his body. The background is also a bit blank - perhaps you could have something faded in the background, whether it be a cricket ground or different pictures of him. The effects still look quite nice, and the render fades in well - perhaps a little too well, but it is definitely not a poor signature. The text looks strange but seems to work well with the general flow of the signature, although the Ryan is a little hard to read, but it looks good enough on a whole. The colour is good, but it could just use a fraction revising before it joins the elite class.

Good luck to all the competitors, that's just some thoughts from myself. Obviously I'm only judging the signatures, and I'm not a judge, so don't take my advice too seriously. I'm also not a brilliant graphics artist myself but I think I've been fair in my judgements and hopefully you can learn from it. :)

Well done everyone.. I would've liked to participate this round but couldn't find a suitable partner.
Blake gets my vote to be in the Judges panel.
Wow Blake! I would read it if I had time but I don't lol. You should definitely be in the panel, since half
the members compete, you should be a judge too. PP?
Can I please be removed from the panel? I have too much work at the moment.
Great theme,i am sure which player i am going to make wallpaper.;)
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