PC Graphics Maker Championship Season 8 | Final Round - R#10 Results + Season Summary!

Which is the best entry?

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A notice to all the competitors, we got some interesting additions in GMOTW. :D

Thanks to Send2yaari who proposed a 'render of the week' contest, but since GMOTW can do it all, I've got another idea and implemented 'Renders' into the Contest. So there will be Avatars, Signatures, Wallpapers and Renders for the type of works. We've got some fine 'cutters' or render makers in the section and they get a chance to show off their cutting skills, and It adds a bit of interest in the competition.

Views are appreciated. :)
But if there will be a separate render competition,it will be more better,there are many members who can do cuts more better then there graphics and if we mix up the render and graphics it will not be a good for them.
A graphics work +render will takes more time then a simple render and so many of us would not love to participate but if we have a simple render of the week competition that will more suit to most of us who want to participate but didn't have that much time.
Watch me all whup you'll asses in the Render Cutting Compeition. ;)
but then there must a parallel competition instead of merging it with GMOTW.
I didn't ask from you Pranav dear.I asked it from KBC
I think there must be a poll for this,I have explain the problem which I have if there are less people who are having the same problem then ok fine make render as a judging part GMOTW.
A complete piece of graphics doesn't always show a complete detail of a render,your bad render may work for you if you cover it with good texture and etc etc.
So for me render and graphics are different field.
Even from the pranav signature who can tell that it was a smooth cut or not but you have made the whole signature so well.
So judging a render from a whole piece will be foolishness.
There may be another idea that all GMOTW participants also submit there render with there work but again the thing is same a elite render may not be the best graphics maker and a elite graphics maker may not a good renderer so if we judge them all,we are mixing talents and most of the time a render will be disappoint because he cuts an image so well but couldn't able to convert it into a master piece and will lose both his render and graphics.
You may have an example Ahad,he is an elite renderer and will be a top gun in an only render competition,but on merging it with graphics his rank may fall.

Hope all of you will be able to get my point.
WTF. :facepalm

Me and KBC meant, that they'll be no separate competition for renders. It'll be part of the same competition. We'll ask people to do a render on Sachin say for example. We're not mixing it with the graphics.

I guess you misinterpreted us.
Results are up.

I decided the theme, as the top four didn't bother to mention the theme.

PS : Thanks for the support guys. It's because you this thread was able to reach 1000 posts. I'll write a short not about it when I'm free. :)
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Congrats KBC.
And Pranav-I am 4th as my points are 21.75 and shrenik comes 3rd as his total is 22.
Please correct that.:)
Lol,PP see this.

By Leggie
Avatar: 2/2
Signature: 5/8
Total Rating: 5/10........Is 2+5=5??:eek:
Simple Mathematical mistake:mad:
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