PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

anyone want to play me in a t20 soon? genuine players please no quitters who wont finish unless they win its driving me crazy the amount of quitters online sort it out codemasters if the quitter lost the game and we had a league system it would be much better!
anyone want to play me in a t20 soon? genuine players please no quitters who wont finish unless they win its driving me crazy the amount of quitters online sort it out codemasters if the quitter lost the game and we had a league system it would be much better!

Yes,we should have some on line tournaments and stuff,that would be fun. i would have at least reached the semi final. :banana2
I agree with some of that. At the end of the day I'm not picking my opponents - they're just the people who enter the room. Beyond my personal enjoyment regarding how I feel I played, I'd feel like I was patronising the other guy if I was playing under par.

I'm not suggesting for a minute that you should play anything less than your best. I agree with you that it won't be the greatest matches you'll ever play but by playing the good guys we learn how to bowl and bat better how to employ tactics in fielding positions. I'm sure at the moment I couldn't sustain a long game as I don't think I'm good enough to last 50 overs but that's what I'm aiming for and if it means I'll get hammered then that's the incentive to improve my game.
ID: Batsman123, I aint a quitter.

Have played 2 games so far, completed one.

1st one was a real disaster as I got all out for around 30 odd but 2nd innings just didnt load. The connection was lost and message displayed that the match will now end. :( I feel for the guy, he played really well.

2nd one was fun though as i won convincingly.
Just beat Vimal205050 in a 10 over ranked match. At first I wasn't overly impressed by him choosing the Transmissions Games XI rather than a normal team. I haven't chosen one of the special XI's against a normal team since my very first online match. I was England btw.

He batted first and looked set for a massive total after Gayle took 20 from one Broad. But once I brought Luke Wright on he became rather clueless and collapsed from 40 odd for 2 to 63 all out - which included 6/7 run outs! Fair play to him sticking with the game especially as I raced to 34-1 from the first 3 overs, but I wasn't impressed by his bowling/ field tactics once the powerplays were over.

On came Yuvraj Singh (iirc) who bowled wide outside off stump to this field:


How sporting!! He had bowled the first couple short, but must have got a shock when I slogged them through midwicket for 4. So he refined his bowling to make it impossible for me to hit it through the leg side. And just to show it wasn't just for that over, he then bowled to a slightly refined (and imo even harder) field with Ntini a couple of overs late, the over inbetween having seen me use a powerplay:


Luckily for me, the idiot left a nice big gap at extra cover so I just kept hitting singles through there, which twice turned into fours due to overthrows allowing me to run another 3. :laugh

This was the final scorecard:


Annoyingly I stupidly got KP run out when the scores were tied, which won't have done much for my averageBut before I sign off, if he is reading this I want him to see this so I can get some sort of revenge:


Oh yes!! :D

I wish codemasters would just remove custom fields full stop online. That way everyone has the same amount of fields, evens the playing field.
OMG will i ever bve able to finish a ****in match????!!! ive played like 15 matches only managed to finish 2. all of the others quit as i was winning!!! just recentlky i had this shashank kid i made 222 in 10 overs. i had him 34/8 and he quit. wtf??/ will someone with a decent connection and who doesnt wanna quit be willing to play a match with me???
I wish codemasters would just remove custom fields full stop online. That way everyone has the same amount of fields, evens the playing field.

I like custom fields. That being said, I don't like people that take advantage of unrealistic aspects of the game.
Anyone want to play any international or T20 give a friend request I am coming after 11:30

Dude, we played and you quit after you were 7 down at 30 odd runs. Not kool.

Btw, I am ranked 1. :D :banana2

MuchMore added 1 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

would someone from here please setup a match with me cause im tired of playing with random people who quit!!AWDSAWSWw

Add me, I will host in 5 minutes. My ID is Batsman123
Dude, we played and you quit after you were 7 down at 30 odd runs. Not kool.

Btw, I am ranked 1. :D :banana2

MuchMore added 1 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

Add me, I will host in 5 minutes. My ID is Batsman123

yea i just had a match against you it was lagging really bad and i got disconnewcteddss
whats your ID? RashidAli?
I wish codemasters would just remove custom fields full stop online. That way everyone has the same amount of fields, evens the playing field.

Anybody can set a custom field, so the same amount of fields are available to everybody.

In the situation of facing that offside field again, I'd just take a screenshot and leave personally. Full credit to Nick_Giff for rising above it and winning though :)
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Anyone for a t20 game right now? Played 2 games so far and won both with opposition all out both times.

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