PC saving online?


Club Cricketer
Mar 17, 2014
Online Cricket Games Owned
me and a friend have been playing on pc and up until recently the saving online worked fine, however after one of the patches its stopped working?? it loads the innings fine but as you bowl the game goes into slow mo and it sort of desyncs.

Has this issue been addressed elsewhere? my bad if it has! is there some sort of fix for this as its making online test matches impossible at the moment

thanks for any info you can provide :)
It depends entirely on your internet connections. I've played plenty of matches that have been saved and resumed fine on PC on the latest version, as well as times when it is barely functional or laggy.

Basically, you need to avoid peak internet times, late nights, middle of the day, etc. work well.

It has little of any to do with the save games. Indeed I suggest doing a quick F5 match or something before resuming a test, just to check connection quality before you start the proper match.
hmmm still not entirely sure on this matter. me and my friend have lost several test matches due to what seems like desync when the bowler bowls the ball on the first ball after resuming a save. we have tried testing it with a quick 5 over before resuming our test and the 5 over is fine. Generally not complaining as we are very much enjoying the game, especially on pc as were getting many updates.

Surely were not the only one getting this issue? can Ross help shed some light on this subject? we usually save on the first ball of a new innings, could this be the issue?
ive had this before and it doesn't seem to be down to peak times at all... if you just bowl wide for a few overs it fixes itself after a while. mainly happens after loading a savegame but also happens in middle of gameplay or at the start, its hit or miss when it happens sometimes it does sometimes it don't. like i said once the 1st ball of the bowlers side has super slow mo for like 20 secs then speeds up to catch up. just agree to bowl wide and the batter will let them go after a few overs its fixes itself. thats my experience with it anyway :) Dan you'll have to add me on steam mate as i don't play it on console at all anymore :)
Opt into dbcdevtest version. ..and send the debug.log to @HBK619 ...he will look into the problem. ....

As I had faced problem like online save......and he told me to do this...

Thought it will help you...
Ah well we always give up after the first few balls but it's good to know it fixes itself I suppose. Still be good to get an answer from Ross as maybe the issue isn't aware to them yet?

And yea sure my steam name is daniel_lovett add me up dude![DOUBLEPOST=1410687615][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks themustakeer! Will do that
any more updates on this? still having the same issue even tried bowling ten overs or so and it never fixed itself :(

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