PCWF Golden Gamble Card 16/07/07

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School Cricketer
Jul 13, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned

Carly Columbus vs HBK vs Don Pedro

These three competitors were blown away by Zoraxis last week and one of them might get their first win at PCWF's first Pay-Per-View.

Jaztheman vs Shravi

Shravi beat Jaztheman down in their tag team match last week on Retribution. This led to GM Johnny Styles making a match between these two. Jaztheman will be keen for revenge.

Jimmy G vs JJS- Falls Count Anywhere Free-for-all- Continental Championship

JJS got a victory over Jimmy G last week, but Jimmy G will be looking to last a bit longer if he is to keep the belt around his waist in this match. The stipulations mean that one person can pin or make the other submit anywhere around the arena, and the catch: Anyone is allowed to interfere and pin one of the competitors to get the title for himself.

Pinchinator vs The Extremist- Hardcore match

Weapons are allowed in this extreme match. Pinchinator beat The Extremist by cheating last week. But, this week, The Extremist will be looking to get a first win in PCWF.

Chesney Daniels vs Crabbe and Goyle- Cage

After an embarrassing last week for Chez, he now faces the two cronies in the ring inside a 15ft high steel cage. Crabbe and Goyle won't be bothered about escaping the cage, but more on Chesney, one feels. Since week 2 Crabbe and Goyle have been terrorizing the ex-owner. Slamming him through desks, through windscreens, running him over are just a few things, and Chez has a chance to get his revenge.

Johnny Styles vs Zoraxis Nostradamus- Ladder- PCWF Undisputed Title

Things have been close between these two for some time, and now they finally get to fight one-on-one for the PCWF Undisputed title. Since the first week these two have been fierce copmpetitors for oppurtunities. In the Dome match, Johnny Styles just came out on top, and both have been piling up the victories in the last few weeks. Who will come out on top? Who will be the first PCWF Undisputed champion? Who will be the Main Event winner in PCWF's inaugral Pay-Per-View?

RPs are due for the 15th of July (GMT).
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Note: Can you change my characters name from "The Extremist" to "The Xtremist"

Camera closes in on a door saying "The Xtremist" and it opens up to find a locker room full of objects. Chairs, Tables, Bells, Street Signs, Singapore Cains and even the Kitchen Sink. The Xtremist then screams "WELCOME TO MY WORLD PINCHINATOR!!! IM COMING TO GET YA!". He begins to trash his locker room and then hits himself with a Singapore Cain and starts to bleed. "Your not going to stop me, im the Xtremist THIS IS MY TERRITORY, im the most hardcore in this entire organisations and there is nothing... NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME FROM MAKING YOU BLEED AND SUFFER".

The Xtremist then leaves his locker room as the camera follows for him to find him beating down on a random worker with a Singapore Cain. "THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT AT THE GOLDEN GAMBLE, I CAN AND WILL TAKE ANYONE IN THIS ENTIRE ARENA AND I WILL DO ANYTHING TO BECOME THE CHAMPION." He then storms off in a search for Pinch to take care off him XTREMIST STYLE!!!
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Carly Columbus comes out of his room and heads towards the ring...His music hits the speakers!


It's all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about the pain, and who's gonna make it


DT:Here he is...The King of Kings...Carly Columbus!
CG: Dont care...I wanna see HBK on here...

*All the people in the crowd cheering for CC!

Carly Columbus:Last week right here...Right in this ring...Zorax hammered me with a DAMN 619and got the cover...1...2...3....And the other 2 superstars were simply helpless coz Zorax was dominating in the ring and he finished the match real quick...

So tonight, I am gonna show HBK and Don Padro who I am and what kind of nightmare I will be for them! HBK and Don Padro, Get ready for your worst NIGHTMARE!
"I am the One and Only!"

CG: Here comes the former co-owner of PCWF, Chesney Daniels, he has had a torrid time of late dealing with Crabbe and Goyle

DT: Plus, he lost his share of PCWF! Things are going very badly.

Daniels strides onto the stage, not in a wheelchair for the first time since the Dome match. His sillouhette is the only thing visible due to the blinding stage lights behind him. There is a huge blast of pyro as the lighting returns to normal and Daniels continues his way down the ramp and into the ring. His recent beatings have left their marks, with scars and cuts littering his body as he picks up a mic to speak.

Daniels: Ladies and Gentemen, tonight you are here at Golden Gamble and tonight you will witness the ressurection of The One and Only, Chesney Daniels! Tonight I will face Crabbe and Goyle in a handicap match and as much as they have tried to destroy me recently, I will rise up above them. I won't need help, I won't need to cheat. Right here, in front of all of the people in the audience and all the fans back home, I will pin either Crabbe or Goyle in the middle of the ring, 1, 2, 3, cleanly and on my own. I am the best athelete here on PCWF and I am here to let all of you people be entertained.

CG: As much as the PCWF crowd hated Daniels at first, thanks to his partnership with Styles, they have warmed to him thanks to the beatings and betreyals at the hands of Crabbe, Goyle and Styles. I'd say hes turned face! Listen to all the fans cheer him!

DT: Its just weakness Chris, and it makes me sick.

Daniels: Now once I have disposed of these two goons I have to fight now, I promise you that I will go on to better things. Styles, I know you can hear this and I know you will want to listen to this. We were friends, long time friends, so I know you better than anybody else. It pains me to say it, but I know you will walk out of here as the first ever PCWF Undisputed Champion. You will do everything in your power to take Zoraxis out of contention, and with 100% control nobody can stop you. Thats how it seems. But there is one person who can stop you, and that is me. I am going to make a promise to you right now, and that is when you become Undisputed Champion I can garuentee that I will not rest until that championship is back where it belings around my waist! So enjoy your free period while I deal with lowlife scum, but know that I am coming to get you straight after. That is fact because I am not just any superstar, I am the One and Only!

The crowd cheer his statement of intent hugely as he poses for them on the tunrbuckles before he heads back to the locker room to prepare for the odds to be stacked against him.
*Trap Star hits the speakers and JJS appears on the entrance ramp in jeans, a hat and a purple vest.*

CG: It's JJS, who tonight faces Jimmy G for the Continential Championship.

DT: In a Falls-Count-Anywhere, Free For All! It's gonna be N-U-T-S!

*He walks to the ring and looks up at the titantron, where his entrance video is playing. The music and video cuts and JJS is left in silence.*

JJS: There is something missing from that video. A clip of me, taking my new belt and shoving up Jimmy G's fat ass!

CG: Whoa!!

*JJS climbs the turnbuckle and sits on the top, looking at the ring. He is in deep thought and the fans begin to chant, "Kick his Ass! Kick his Ass!".*

JJS: You know, any superstar tonight can interfere in our match, and try to take the title. Do you know what I say about that?

*JJS jumps from the turnbuckle and faces the arena entrance. He leans on the rope and begins to speak again.*

JJS: Try it. Try and take it from me. Because I'm waiting and I'm ready. If I have to, I will beat nerds, geeks, doctors, lawlers, pop stars, fanatics, chaffeurs, shelf stackers, firefighters, paramedics and maybe even a waiter to win this championship. Ladies and gentlemen, the new Champ is here..

*JJS appeals to the crowd and a single pyro goes off, as JJS exits the ring and walks backstage, mouthing things like "I will win".*
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Daniels: Now once I have disposed of these two goons I have to fight now, I promise you that I will go on to better things. Styles, I know you can hear this and I know you will want to listen to this. We were friends, long time friends, so I know you better than anybody else. It pains me to say it, but I know you will walk out of here as the first ever PCWF Undisputed Champion. You will do everything in your power to take Zoraxis out of contention, and with 100% control nobody can stop you. Thats how it seems. But there is one person who can stop you, and that is me. I am going to make a promise to you right now, and that is when you become Undisputed Champion I can garuentee that I will not rest until that championship is back where it belings around my waist! So enjoy your free period while I deal with lowlife scum, but know that I am coming to get you straight after. That is fact because I am not just any superstar, I am the One and Only!
C'mon! If there is a conspiracy to make me lose no matter what, i might not even bother RPing :mad:
And just for that, I'm gonna take you down! (Wait for my next RP...)
Its completely in character. That is just my character's opinion of what is happening. It doesnt mean that you cannot win the match, no matter how good your RPs are, it means that my character expects Styles to cheat to win
Continued from last week...

But coach, you gotta!!!

It was recess. I was in the staff-room, pleading to the coach, Mr. Knuts to let me join the boxing team. I was desperate, and I figured that if I was part of the boxing team, the bullies would be too scared to keep picking on me!



NO! And that is my final answer. You are just too puny to be on the team, you will be massacarred! I cannot allow it, sorry, no!

Okay, what about the wrestling team?

What about it? You are well below even the lightweight category! And besides, you have to be a 7th year to join the team, and you are only a 5th year, so no!

Martial ats?

You don't have any sort of formal training.


The ball weighs more than you! No!

What can I do then?!?!?

Hmm...well, the cricket team has an opening, why don't you go for that? The tryouts are this evening, be sure to drop by!

Yea, all right. Thanks coach.
*Zoraxis starts mumbling to himslef...*
Mumble bumble...stupid coach...lousy cricket...wusses...how am I suppposed to fight by playing cricket!!!....stupid sport...unfair...life sucks...mumble bumble....


That evening....

I'm here coach.

Great! Well, we are looking for a bowler mainly, so here, show me what you've got.
*Tosses Zorax a cricket ball*

Okay, here goes nothing.

*Zorax looks down the pitch, and sees none other than one of the pair of bullies that have been making his life a living hell. He was padded up, but without a helmet, and s******ing at the sight of Zoraxis getting ready to bowl. A fire flares up inside Zorax, he wants reverenge. He scampers down the pitch quickly with a short runup, gripping the ball in an odd fashion. He bowls it and gives it a massive rip, the ball whizzes through the air. The bully goes forward, nonchalantly, and rasies his bat, getting ready to hammer it out of the park. The ball pitches, and leaps like a frog out of water, whacking the bully right on his eye. He collapses onto the stumps, blood pouring everywhere. Zorax gives himself a faint smile.*

That was brilliant kid! Where did you learn to bowl like that???

I...I...don't know!

Well thenn, it must be pure talent! Congrats kid, you've made the team! Practice sessions are Mondays and Thursdays 5-7, be sure to be there!

Uhh...thanks coach!


Hey, kid!!!

It was the bully. His eye bandaged. He wasn't alone either, his thug of a friend had joine him, along with 3 others.

You talking to me?

I had grown in confidence ever since getting picked. The bully had to be rushed to the hospital, practice was going great, I had more friends, and life was generally better...


Unfortunately, I though as I sailed through the corridor, I was still getting bullied.

The bullies walked down the corridor to where I was a crumpled mess, cracking their knuckles.The bell rang. It was recess.

Just another school day...


To Be Continued...
The scene is set in a busy part of a city. Johnny Styles is crossing the road, soaked to the skin because of the rain. He throws half of his burger in the bin and continues moving onwards. It's surprising to see that he isn't wearing his trademark suit like usual, but a more casual outfit. He's wearing a red long-sleeved shirt and baggy jeans. He turns right and walks down a small, cobbled street. It seems the complete opposite of the busy streets Styles has left behind. The hum of traffic is barely audible, and the houses here look posh and expensive. Styles walks over to one of the houses and knocks three times on the door, which opens in a matter of seconds. A woman stands in the doorway, smile on her face as she hugs Styles. She's in her early twenties and has a far eastern look about her. She lets go of Johnny.

CC: I've been waiting ages for you! And you're so wet!

Styles laughs. He steps inside and smiles back at her.

JS: Well, you know how business is. You can't just expect me to keep coming everytime he goes out.

CC: Well, I might make the move soon and ditch that no-good loser. I've been waiting for you so long. You're a real man! Unlike him!

Johnny laughs as he looks around the place. They're in a type-of entrance hall with a marble floor, and a staircase in the corner of the hall. Johnny can also make out a conservatory at the back of the house.

JS: Glass looks strong on that. It would hurt if you...accidentally banged yourself on it.

CC: Yeah, he doesn't care. After all, he is a "hard man".

JS: Ha. He's just an allround bad guy, isn't he?

They both laugh and then Cho grabs Johnny's hand. She leads him up the flight of stairs and into a grand bedroom. A huge kingsize bed nowhere near fills the room. The room leads out to a balcony with great views of the city. Johnny Styles looks content with the place and sits down on the bed. It wobbles a bit. He frowns and moves up and down on it. It continues to wobble. Cho watches with an amused expression.

CC: It's a water bed.

JS: Oh!

Styles keeps bouncing up and down, apparently enjoying himself. Cho leaps at him and they roll over. The camera fades to black. It comes back out of focus with two blurs moving around. It comes back in focus and Styles is lying on his pillow, Cho's head resting on his chest. The camera pans around the room. Vases are smashed on the floor, desks upturned and covers ruffled up. Johnny is panting, but has a massive grin on his face. They kiss and go under the covers when...

What dah yah think yah're doing!

Styles comes up abruptly. Chesney Daniels's mouth is hanging open as he sees the situation in front of him.

CD: Well, Cho! You've really messed up now!

Cho climbs out of bed.

CC: Well, Chez, it was never going to last long. You're not a man. You're pathetic. Johnny is what I'm looking for. He's a real man! He can take care of me, and at Golden Gamble, he'll be walking out with the title! No matter who's in his way, he'll win! Whilst you...

Chez picks up a chair and throws it at the ground in frustration. Styles climbs out and Chesney looks up, pure hatred on his face.

CD: Johnny. You've crossed the line. We used to be buddies, and now you're trying to ruin me.

JS: Trying? Chez, you're doing it yourself! You think I would be joint owners with a mug like you? No. It was always going to come down to this. You can't hold onto anything Chez. You have no hopes. I have a title match on Sunday, whilst you're getting a guaranteed massacre from Crabbe and Goyle. When I win the PCWF Undisputed title, I'll hold onto it for a long, long time. Whilst you, Chez, can't even hold onto your girlfriend. Come on, let's go.

Johnny and Cho make for the door, but Chez runs after them and goes on the floor in front of Cho on the doorstep. He is grabbing onto her legs.

CD: Please don't leave meh! I'll change!

CC: No, Chez. You'll never change. You'll always be a loser.

And with that, she moves out of his grasp. Chez falls pathetically onto the doorstep and cries out to her. They walk up to a car parked outside Chez's house. They both climb into the backseats, the driver and passenger turn around. Styles winks at Crabbe and Goyle, who nod back. The car pulls away and leaves the rainy, cobbled streets behind.

To be continued...​
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The event is in 2 days... I CANT WAIT! lol
Shravi: I?m raring to go. I?m a caged animal and Jaztheman will go toe to toe with Satan
himself at Golden Gamble, and I wouldn?t have it any other way. He only saw
one side of me at Retribution last week but at Golden Gamble, he?ll run through
a brick wall. In case Jaztheman doesn?t know what I?m capable of, I?ll just let him

*Video of Shravi giving a pedigree to various opponents he has faced in the past plays*

*Crowd Jeers*

*Shravi appears to be rather flustered as he isn?t exactly at the receiving end of a standing ovation*

Shravi: I don?t need you. I don?t need anyone as long as I know I?m going pin
Jaztheman? 1 2 3?? *smirk*

*Just as Shravi is exiting the ring, Randy Orton?s music plays*

* ?Hey, nothing you can say (say), nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine (shine), I'm gonna take what's mine?

*Crowd greets Orton with a chorus of boos.*
*Shravi looks surprised to say the least*

Shravi: What are you doing out here, Orton?
Orton: Calm down Shravi. I just came here to give the fans a piece of my mind regarding
your match with Jaztheman at Golden Gamble.
Shravi: I?m listening.
Orton: I just wanted you to know that I?m there with you every step of the way and if you
need anyone at ringside for your match?

*Shravi cuts Orton off*

Shravi: I fly solo; I don?t need anyone?s sympathy or support.
Orton: Have it your way but I know, you know and these god forsaken fans know that to
beat Jaztheman at Golden Gamble, all you need to do is show up.
Shravi: Now there?s something we agree on. *sneer*
Orton: Right, I think these fans have had a little too much eye candy for their liking. Let?s
go backstage and lay our hands on some beer.
Shravi: Sure thing, and as for Jaztheman?

*Camera zooms in on Shravi?s face*

Shravi: I?m going to kick your sorry ass at Golden Gamble and there?s nothing you can do about it because I?m ?the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be?.
Orton: And that?s the bottom line, ?cause Randy Orton said so!

*Shravi and Orton have a little laugh and find their way backstage*
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