ICC Chairman
If you are just starting out, take lessons from a capable teacher. They will save you a lot of trouble in the end by telling you the right way to sit , how to place the hands etcetera. If you can get that down in the beginning you wont have to "unlearn" it all later on!
Yes, I'd agree with that - as Dutch said, if you get it wrong early on, it can be a swine to correct later on. If you get into the habit of playing with flat hands, or not lifting your fingers for example, it can take a while to correct it. My teacher said she'd always tell her students, whether young or old, to imagine there was a little mouse under their hands, so the fingers have to remain curved so as not to squash the poor little fella! Funnily enough, the curved fingers method also applies to guitar.
Edit: It appears that Schindler's List is in G minor, so not the world's toughest key then - only two flats!

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