Planetcricket Awards 2008 - Discussion thread

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Well they are Indian and burn means to own and stuff. But yeah I don't like that Indian/Pakistani blaming. It's not just them.
Hmm....let me see. Oh yeah this PM from the admins:

Obvious difference between outright racism and borderline stuff. Basically the difference between racism and stereotyping as far as I'm concerned. In any case, its detrimental to the forum environment, and seeing how you've shown me that you've been warned about it and managed to ignore said warning, I'll go ahead and infract you for the post in this thread so that may be you'll remember.
Insanity. I alone bring the standard of Indian posters up to a level far greater than any other nation.
Obvious difference between outright racism and borderline stuff. Basically the difference between racism and stereotyping as far as I'm concerned. In any case, its detrimental to the forum environment, and seeing how you've shown me that you've been warned about it and managed to ignore said warning, I'll go ahead and infract you for the post in this thread so that may be you'll remember.

Go on then Usman, infract me again. Actually, how about you go and ban me now?

So if someone called me a Scottish noob, they would be infracted? I am willing to bet my bank account that you wouldn't. I am not a racist, some of my best friends are Indian, however, the way you guys pander to these members sickens me at time.

aditya123 is right, this forum doesn't have any more thoughtful posts. But hey, I bet you will say that this isn't helping, but then again ain't much else happening around here.
So if someone called me a Scottish noob, they would be infracted? I am willing to bet my bank account that you wouldn't. I am not a racist, some of my best friends are Indian, however, the way you guys pander to these members sickens me at time.

If someone kept calling any group of people 'Scottish noobs' after being warned not to, yes, I will infract that person into submission. A forum as diverse as ours cannot afford to be tolerant of anyone singling out any one people and criticizing them, whether the intent was sinister or not. And once again, no one called you a racist.

If you have any more comments please PM me.
Ok. Well I think myself and Usman have sorted out the issues. Apologies if I have offended anyone in anyway by using that term.
You know Tom, the problem about those statements is that they were only a few people you're categorizing into a much bigger category and even more the statement that many were multiple accounts! (Hitterman rings a bell? )
I think it's time for someone removed from this argument to say that unless you want to talk about the PC awards, please refrain from posting in here!

We have a thread in the feedback forum about this lowering in the standard of posts, use that.
Okay, moving the topic onto the PC Awards...

I think the greatest blemish on these otherwise fine awards is that I've never won one! :eek:
Given the awards have been done for a long time, don't really see the point in this being open any more.
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