Planetcricket FC Sign-Up's

Personal details


Player Type: Hot Prospect
First Name : Shaun
Last Name : Briggs
Age: 20
Birthday: 13th March
*Place of Birth : Bradford, UK
Height: 175cm
Weight: 4.5kg
Nationality : English
*Other nationalities : Brazillian
Declared for nation : Yes
*Spoken Languages other than english: Portugese, Spanish
Foot Strength- Right: Left: Right: 22, Left: 5
Position 1: WBR
*Position 2: MR
*Position 3: DR
(Position 2 and 3 can be any that you wish, but your player will not be as good in those positions as your first 1, and position 2 is stronger than position 3.)
*Player behavior: Ronaldinho
Personality: Ambitious
Adaptability : Good
Handling Pressure : Good
Temperament : Normal


Technical- Outfield Players

Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Crossing: 10
Dribbling: 9
Finishing: 7
Heading: 8
Long Shots: 9
Marking: 10
Movement: 10
Passing: 10
Penalties: 4
Tackling: 10
Vision: 9
Anticipation: 7
Decisions: 7
First Touch: 9
Positioning: 9
Technique: 8


Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Corners: 7
Flair: 10
Long Throws: 6
Teamwork: 6
Work Rate: 10
Aggression: 3
Bravery: 7
Composure: 10
Concentration: 11
Consistency: 11
Determination: 10
Dirtiness: 4
Free Kicks: 8
Important Matches: 10
Leadership: 9
Versatility: 8



Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Acceleration: 15
Agility: 11
Balance: 10
Injury Prevention: 14
Jumping: 10
Natural Fitness: 14
Pace: 15
Stamina: 11
Strength: 11


Training Schedule

?There are 9 levels of training intensity and you need to allocate an intensity to each of the training areas, the intensities are: None, Very Low, Low, Low-Medium, Medium, Medium-High, High, Very High & Intense.
Keep in mind that a player with low natural fitness and/or stamina won?t be able to handle a high workload. Even a fit player with a high workload may become fatigued and possibly injured if he trains hard. So suit the training to your player.

The higher the intensity of training the more likely those stats will increase, but also the more likely players will fatigue and get injuries. Also be aware not to neglect some areas of training. For example, if a defender puts 'none' for attacking then stats like shooting, composure, etc.. Will all fall.
The schedules have an overall workload limit though. You can't just put everything on intense. For example, the example above has a very high workload. If you create a schedules which goes over the limit I will just reduce everything slightly until it is ok.?

Strength: Low
Aerobic: None
Goalkeeping: None
Tactics: Low
Ball Control: Medium
Defending: Medium
Attacking: Medium-High
Shooting: Low
Set Pieces: Medium




*Favorite Team: Bradford City
*Preference for Stadium Name: PC Dome
Last edited:
Briggsey please choose a player type too my friend.... AND PEOPLE PLEASE READ THE 1st POST CAREFULLY, It saves so much time....

And RADAGA mate u know u want me to be the captain lol ...;)

O BTW is it ok if i change my attributes a little bit just the attributes nothing else
Briggsey ur weight is 4.5??? :S :O

w3lshrugby said:
ohh :( i was looking forward to new captain selection, oh well!
same awww
same as last time for me too.
Steady captaincy that will pull us all the way through to the champions league final :D
and with Hassan by my side we cannot fail!;)

Personal details


Player Type: Rotational Player
First Name : Phil
Last Name : Rogers
Age: 25
Birthday: 23rd January
*Place of Birth : Liverpool
Height: 190
Weight: 70
Nationality : English
Declared for nation : Yes
*Spoken Languages other than english: Basic French, Basic Spanish
Foot Strength- Right: 20 Left: 7
Position 1: GK
*Player behavior: Fabien Barthez
Personality: Loyal
Adaptability : Good
Handling Pressure : Ok
Temperament : Highly explosive


Technical- Keepers

Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Aerial Ability:
Command of Area: 7
Communication: 7
Handling: 16
One on Ones: 10
Reflexes: 12
Anticipation: 9
Decisions: 12
First Touch: 8
Positioning: 6
Technique: 14
Eccentricity 20
Rushing Out : 5
Tendency to Punch: 1


Technical- Outfield Players

Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Long Shots:
First Touch:



Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Corners 1
Flair 5
Long Throws 14
Teamwork 16
Work Rate 16
Aggression 20
Bravery 14
Composure 16
Concentration 12
Consistency 8
Determination 9
Dirtiness 1
Free Kicks 1
Important Matches 15
Leadership 1
Versatility 1



Remember the restrictions on points here according to the player type. If the points are over the limit you will have to do it again.

Acceleration: 12
Agility: 16
Balance: 8
Injury Prevention: 12
Natural Fitness: 12
Pace: 12
Stamina: 8
Strength: 12


Training Schedule


Strength: Medium
Aerobic: Medium
Goalkeeping: Intense
Tactics: Low
Ball Control: Low
Defending: Low
Attacking: None
Shooting: None
Set Pieces: Low




*Favorite Team: Liverpool
*Preference for Stadium Name: PC Dome
Thanks for responding to that PM guys and thanks for fixing up your post DJ. :)

Hassan, i can see by Briggsey's age and stats that he is a hot prospect, so theres no issues there. It is alright to fix up your stats just as long as it stays within the restrictions :)

I have received a PM from Abhas and he has also signed up as a CM.
There are now no more hot prospects left.
I have to say i am suprised there are still a lot of veteran and experienced spots left as they have the best stats. If they continue to be unpopular i'll switch my player to a veteran.
So here is what is avaliable and the squad list:

Heres the updated list:

4 CB
2 GK

3 Veterans
3 Experienced Players
0 Established Players
2 Rotational Players
1 Back-Up Players
0 Hot Prospects
5 Youngsters

Heres the team list so far:

Tim Macdonald (STR)- Established Player
Hardie (STR)- Established Player
Billy (STR)- Established Player
Chapmandinho (LM)- Hot Prospect
Steve Plummer (LM/LAM)- Youngster
Hasi (STR)- Established Player
Wildwil (AMR)- Back-Up Player
Viru (RB)- Youngster
Chez Lewis (GK)- Back-Up Player
Trev (RM)- Established Player
Justin Allison (LM/LAM)- Hot Prospect
Zohaib Ahmed (RM)- Hot Prospect
Cameron White (CM)- Back-Up Player
Bach (DCM)- Established Player
David Ager (AMC)- Youngster
Shaun Briggs (WBR)- Hot Prospect
Phil Rogers (GK)- Rotational Player
Abhas Gupta (CM)- Rotational Player

Thanks everyone, and for anyone who is going to sign up just make sure you refer back to the first post because it has important information.
Give it a few more days guys. It took longer than this last time and i asked for less sign-ups. If you know anyone at all who would be interested please send them a link to the topic. Doesn't matter if they haven't even registered, just as long as we get the numbers.

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