Planetcricket FC Sign-Up's

I think he gets that everyone is excited, no need to post anymore "Cant wait, come on us!" posts

Just BTW, Im excited to ;)
Great work Radaga hope this is as succusful as your last one mate, good luck in playing it and lets go PLanetCricket FC!!
i have finished all of the players, stadiums and team details in the editor. I just have to get the player pics and i'm ready to go.
When you see the players value this may not reflect the players skill level because the vlaue changes depending on the position also. A striker is worth more than a defender and the older a player the lower their value.
The team is pretty bad at the moment, we will have a relegation battle on our hands for the first season at least.
dont worry about the pictures if you cant get all.... I knew our squad will be bad with the amount of points u allocated to us... now lets see if u have the managerial talent to get good results
yeah i'll be starting today.
The team is expected to fight against relegation, but thats what i wanted because a ot of players have pretty good potential, so as the team keeps playing it will get better and better.
Most of the players attributes have increased further than what you put down. I think it is only the youngsters' whos' have stayed or gone lower.

I had a few issues with the player pics that's why it took me so long, but thats fixed now and i'll be starting as soon as i have checked a few things. I aso made a player for Left Hander because he said he was going to make one but missed out on signing-up- his player just has random attributes.
nope don't think so mate...just a little late...still ask Radaga and he might bring you in instead of the ones he generated himself...
Left Hander, if you check the other thread you'll see you are in the side.
You said somewhere in this thread that you wanted to play LM so i made you as LM.

Thanks again Duff :)

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