On a mobile you hold the like button. Not sure on a desktop
I use my mobile! Can you see it?ThanksOn a mobile you hold the like button. Not sure on a desktop
_ _ A _ _ O _
Hint -
- A fictional character
1 incorrect guess(E). Start guessing!
@Mijurkat how do you 'Like' posts with a love icon instead of a thumbs up icon?
P _ A _ _ O _
Hint -
- A fictional character
2 incorrect guess(E,I). Start guessing!
_ _ _ _ _ _
Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing
Incorrect Guesses: 0
I love this new feature!Long press. You need to press on like icon after that you can select your emotions. It's a new feature. It's available for both desktop and mobile version.![]()