PlanetCricket Premier League 3 - Announcements

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Hey people,

Sorry again for this official stuff dragging on so long. We're pretty much there with the sim I'm told by Zorax, so really, we're ready to go.

Bidding for all tiers will finish on Sunday 18th October at mid-night.

Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of our staff who will be running the PCPL and also the dates of the games.

We're pretty excited, are you?



We've got about 9hrs left of bidding, if there's still any bidding to be done, then do so soon :)

I will announce the winners at some point Monday (Might get into Tuesday as I've got a full day on Monday).

Good luck to all :)
New fixtures up, Kids!

Thats really all.

It has come to our attention that the game occurs a bug when a playing XI does not have a designated wicket keeper in it.

So make sure all your lineups have a keeper in it, or else we will drop a player we wish from the lineup for a keeper (And this could very well be a Nat...)

That is all. Thanks.​
Fixtures and Average Upgrades

We shall be upgrading the averages of all the PC members at the end of round 5. Due to this, all the fixtures have been delayed by a few days. They were supposed to be posted up with the delay accounted for, but someone forgot. *ahem*...:spy

Anyhow, I request all teams to send in the list of how many members have exceeded 3 posts for the match thread for each of the five matches so far by 12 AM GMT Thursday latest. Any later and your team will have to do without average upgrades.

-The PCPL Team​
Stat Trackers

The PCPL is in need of someone to keep track of stats while the competition is in progress.

We'll give you a spreadsheet format you can use, all you'll need to do is keep it update, and take screenshots of it after every round and send it to us to put in a 'Stats' thread (Like how it is done in the PCCL).

It isn't a huge amount of work, and if anyone is willing to be responsible for it, we'll be very grateful. Contact me if you are interested.​

- The PCPL Team​
Bunch of Stuff

1) Sorry Match Threads are up late. The fixtures for Round 6 and who the home team is is in the Fixtures List. I'll get the threads up ASAP, so set your lineups. If you will be unable to post your lineup when the threads are up, post them in your team thread. I'll instruct the simmers to look there for a lineup, considering they were late with getting the match threads up this time.

2) Average Upgrades have been done and dusted. Notice for future rounds - only posts made within 48 hours of the match completing will be used. I don't want to lock match threads in the future, so please don't abuse this rule. If it is after 48 hours and you haven't made 3 posts, then let it be.

3) Base averages have been changed to the following, along with some tweaking in the sim, to allow for less top-order collapses and to enhance the performance of Nat players.

PC Pure Bat 72/80
Keeper 67/80
Batting AR 62/80 60/80
Pure AR 57/80 65/80
Bowling AR 52/80 70/80
Bowlers 37/80 75/80

Nat bowlers keep their batting values at 40. All values pre-upgrades

4) How the upgrades work - You gain 1 point in batting/bowling skill for every match thread in which you have crossed 3 posts. Which means in this round the maximum skill points you could have gained is 5. For ARs the choice of which skill the points go in is left to them or the team captains. For bowlers it is bowling skill, for batsmen batting skill by default. If you want something different for the next round of upgrades, let me know ASAP.

That is all. Thanks.

Oh, and Shalin will be doing stats. Hopefully we'll be having a stats thread up within the next week.​
Pitch Types.

Starting Round 7 there will be some new rules put in place. All pitch types will have to be in atleast 1 and a half hour before the deadline for lineups. This is to allow the away side to set their playing XI to suit the home pitch.

Any side who posts their pitch type after this (a leniency of 10-15 minutes given) will be penalised with a fine. Repeat offences could lead to being stripped of Internationals and given a reversed lineup for that game, or even being stripped of the right to host home games.

Failure to post a pitch type at all will cause the most recent pitch type used at that ground to be used for the game.

As for the current Round, all sides are urged to get their pitch type in ASAP. If owners or team captains are online and refuse to get their side's pitch type in on time, the team in question will be penalised.​
PCPL's Stat Whore...

is none other than the returning and rejuvenated w3lshrugby!

He's compiling the stats as we speak, and hopefully we'll see them up sometime in the next few days.

Also, match threads for Round 7 will be up in a moment.​

-The PCPL Team
Allegations of Cheating

We in charge of the PCPL really take any allegations or concerns about cheating or the simmers rigging games very seriously.

And despite what proof we can get, it can not conclusively disprove any evidence of cheating.

Therefore, to remove any and all doubt, I will take on the responsibility of simming all the games of Manchester Divided and Beijing Blitzers (The two teams where the four simmers come from). The simming team shall sim the remaining games.

Hopefully this will remove any doubt about the legibility of the simming process.​


The PCPL Team
Second Round of Average Upgrades

The Second Round of Average Upgrades will now take place. I expect that all of you have kept track of many people have made over 3 posts in each match thread over the last 5 rounds of games, but if you haven't, start tallying 'em up! You all have till Midnight GMT on 2nd of December to get them in, so I can upgrade the averages accordingly. Matches resume on the 4th of December.

This 4 day break should allow for sides to re-group, for KI to possibly get another tweaked version of the sim out, and for me to get the popularity tables updated and make the payments accordingly.

So enjoy the break and good luck with the final leg of the competition!​
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Semi-Finals and Finals

Alright, listen up kids, the season's far from over.

After these final 5 matches, we shall be having Semi Finals and Finals to decide the grand winner of the PCPL.

The Semis shall be played between 1st and 4th, and 2nd and 3rd, and shall be played over two legs, Home and Away. Incase that the results after both legs is 1-1, then the team with the highest overall Net Run Rate for both games goes through.

The winner of the two Semis shall then face off in a 3-Game Finals, which will be held on 3 randomly selected pitches (Which shall be announced beforehand).

The winner of these finals will be the Grand Champion of PCPL 3.

So all you teams who have no chance of securing first place, don't worry, there is still something to fight for! Scrape 4th place by the end of the Tourney, and who knows, you could be lifting the cup!

Also, a side note, Toronto Tanks never got their posting records to me in time, and so shall go without average upgrades. This is also the last round of average upgrades, there shall be no more upgrades for the remainder of the season.​
PC Downtime

Due to PC going down for quite a while, all the matches/deadlines have been delayed by a day. Hopefully this will allow all the sides to get their lineups in one time easier.​

- The PCPL team
I need a break.

Yea, I'm kinda sleep deprived, so I'm postponing the PCPL for a while. Think of it as a break before the semis to allow you to recuperate and discuss tactics.

We shall resume matches with the Semi-Finals on Saturday the 19th. Match threads will be up 2 days before. I should have updated the tables, popularity rankings, and made the payments for Round 6 onwards by then. And if I have any more spare time, I'll even do the statistics for the comp by then, seeing how Rhys has dropped the ball on that.

We shall have semi-finals between 1st and 4th and 2nd and 3rd. So Man D will face Chennai and Vatican will face Beijing. They shall face each other in 2 legs, home and away, and the winner of both matches/the one with better NRR if the games are drawn will go through to the 3 game finals.

Toronto and Dublin might engage in a 3 game play-off to decide who the worst side is, just so they don't get bored during this.

So use this break to do some testing with the sim, to catch up on your off-PC lives, and maybe get some sleep.​

Regards and Goodnight,

The PCPL Team
The Grand Finals!

Congratulations to Manchester Divided and Vatican Victors for making the Grand Finals of PCPL 3! They both swept the semi finals 2-0, leaving no doubt in the minds of anyone that they are deserving of their spot in the finals.

The Grand Finals shall consist of 3 games. One game each at Monkey Park and The Pope's Backyard, and one at a Neutral Ground with a randomly selected pitch. The pitch type shall be announced beforehand in order to allow both sides to put out their best XIs.

The side that wins 2 out of the 3 final games will be crowned champion of PCPL 3. The finals will not be played into the third game if their is no need.

Alongside the finals we shall have 2 playoff games to decided 3rd and 4th place between Chennai at Beijing. Just like the Semis, it will be one game each at the team's home grounds.

All these matches will get underway by Friday the 25th with the threads being put up on Thursday the 24th.

Also, Gate Receipts for rounds 5-15 have been paid out as well. Receipts for the Semis and the Finals will be calculated and paid off whenever I have the time.

As for the stats, well....I guess we need someone to volunteer and do them all as I clearly don't have the time, and Rhys has disappeared again. Sorry

- The PCPL Team
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