Nice review mate, but I definitely don't think that the tone of your review and the negatives listed corresponds to an 86.
I agree with that, and certainly loved Barmy's review, However in my view BigAnt have a huge stash of bonus points up their sleeve to combat the lists of issues and thus end up with a very good overall score.
One thing i think is overlooked with BigAnts effort on this, is just how accomplished it is for a first up effort.
To have included such innovative controls, robust (and FUN) gameplay as well as the ambitious and deep career mode in a debut effort is simply astounding.
Cast your mind back into the not so distant past to a franchise known as NBA Live.
One of the best, most popular, most revered sports franchises of the last 20 years.
It wrote the book on a lot of stuff when it comes to sports video games.
Now fast forward to last year and, after a short hiatus, NBA Live returned yet it delivered a bug infested dogs breakfast.
It simply is not easy to make a good sports game. For BigAnt to have accomplished what they have with DBC14 and to have got SO MUCH
RIGHT, cannot be applauded enough.
Thats personally why i can overlook the current fairly minor issues and arrive at a similar score to what Barmy has.