Planetcricket's Best Bands - Nominations Closed.

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I second Powderfinger. "I Don't Remeber" is a good song. I want to get there latest album.
no ones seconded mastodon lol gest technical band around with best drummer on the planet. come on people, a little bit of prog metal never hurt anyone
Just realised the Chilis havent been seconded! :O


I think I will nominate Queen as well
I don't think Kev will allow Queen Chez as they aren't recent. However, i'll second them for the sake of it.
Whatever I did, whatever I said.....I didn't mean it.....I just want you back for good......
Isn't that a bit pointless lol? Did they play Wellers songs?

I was a bit sceptical before I went, to be honest; thought it would be a glorified karaoke session. They were really brilliant though, hence me going again. The Jam's songs are just so full of energy it's like they somehow come more alive when played live.

They do play Weller's songs yes (along with the occasion one that Bruce Foxton wrote like News Of The World & Smithers-Jones), but the bloke they've got in to "do" Weller is quality.
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no ones seconded mastodon lol gest technical band around with best drummer on the planet. come on people, a little bit of prog metal never hurt anyone

Hardly anyone here listens to Prog, lol. But I'll second them anyway.
Sorry, I can't include them, As you've already made a nomination. I added a rule that people could only nominate one band as people were posting lists. I've kept in multiple nominations up to that point but not since. Of course if someone else who hasn't nominated a band would like to nominate them, thats fine.
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