player, field & stroke editors... - IMPORTANT INFO ??


Club Cricketer
Apr 5, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
[color=#000000:post_uid10]---field & stroke editor---
some alterations needed in the programming of the editors made for BLC as the file format is the same as before....field files r .cfg in both games..... stroke files r .saf the same as .atr of BLC...

---player editor---

can anyone make one ??[/color]
hi sukku,
work on a player/stats editor is already underway.There is an ingame field editor in the game.Don't have any info on a stroke editor.
you have hit the nail on the head. This game, like BLC before it needs a player, field and stroke editor asap.

Its a straight port (gameplay wise) from the PS2 version: = bad !!

Once the editors are available, then this will be the worthy successor to BLC that we are all waiting for !

I totally agree with zimrahil ... I think this can only be a good successor with some tweaking and stuffing !!! Anyway whose making it ?? I can lend some help with the Visuals !
Yes, player and stroke editors are sorely missed at the moment (Sriram, are you still around?!).These were major improvements to BLC. And, although there's a field editor in the game, to be able to edit the default fields would be great.
[color=#000000:post_uid13]I was looking into the files to find something related to luck yet. I'm getting the full version in next week so hopefully I'll be able to get some info..[/color]
hey shailesh.....the gameplay is in dataconfigs.dat file of c2k2 directory....but i m unable to open it ???
Yeah...all the game config files are in binary or .dat format.I also wanted to know how to edit .tex files?

Zim,Jonah,Shailesh great to see you guys here again. :)
Always been around, ritwick, just waiting for the new game to be released :) .
Let's hope we can all get our heads together to come up with some tweaks/improvements, a la BLC......
yes I am around too and like shailesh waiting to get my hands on the full game.I will try and change the stroke and field eds soon.
And it looks like its gonna be good old days again with everybody coming up with good info on the files....


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