PLZ Fix The PATCH MAKER - Tom Hicks or Prakash

i have got my patch maker almost done, i just need to finalize it
PRAKASH.....i don't know if i'm asking too much but today i was just replacing some of the OLD OGG files in the sound_pc.gob with my NEW OGG files for my sound patch but the problem which occured was similar to one in the patch maker. it also gives an error if the NEW file's size is not exactly same as the OLD one.

and to educe the size of the new one i have tore-convrt it and also lower its quality very much which ultimately makes the sound a bit choppy.

can u plz fix that so can we can replce the OLD OGG files with NEW one irrespective of its size.
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well i belive the starting offset for the files will be stored somewhere, so if we change the starting offset by importing a file of longer file size the game might refuse to use them, although i havent tried it though. Btw how r u converting the ogg files, i would suggest you to use the offical ogg encoder and decoders from
hi. i've been away for a while. I've lost interest in c2k4 again..... it's such a steaming pile of bollocks.

i will give prakash my source code some time if he wants it...i used his source code to make my patchmaker, so it's only fair!

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