Premier Cricket League:: Auction in progress, Bibu Creates History by buying MSD in last moment..!!

You will be banned for having multiple accounts.
for what??

thats what my question is??

what will happen if we have multiple accounts..

binnurox added 0 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

that will be my personal...

actually i don't even have a multiple account..

but just asking..
From where was the rockingprithvi account created?
from my friend's system..

yesterday he just opened in my system..

binnurox added 1 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

ok i will ask mods to please gimme stay till prithvi krishna comes back..

my name is prithviraj

binnurox added 2 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

he called me just now and herd all the story he said that he will be coming online within 20 mins..

i donno from where he comes..

ok now im leaving.. b bye tc bibu

will be coming tomorrow morning(if i don't get banned)
Dude If it's not created in your system and you won't be using it in your system since you don't have the password then it would cause no problem just ask him not to log in in your system.
Solved. Explain this as such to WHM that where you created the profile and also that you used it only yesterday on your pc.;)

bibu001w added 2 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Don't log out mate. Ask your friend to come online and then log out after showing everyone that you are not using multiple accounts. Since both are online at the same time and you can't do it on the same system(I suppose).
but i even din't create my account from my system i created it in a net cafe..

it may be a coincidence because we both go to the same net cafe....

but after some of my logins ,i took net in my house and chatting from there..

ok will explain whm about this..

lets listen what he says..
But you said that your friend's account was created in friends system.:rolleyes:

bibu001w added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Ok then lets stop this here/ And you ask and do what WHM says.
I'm not binnurox, i posted wantedly tht this profile is binnurox'x 2nd account..(fakie)

If u want to ban, plz ban me..sry..!!
huh now im out of danger..

binnurox added 1 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

huh bibu redonate my account back..

i was in a sorrow manner and now im out of danger

sorry for vCash donation...

please redonate me
(it was some 10110)

bibu sorry for inconvenience..
I'm happy as the IPs are different for nearly all your posts even though our system flagged the two accounts.

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