armaan khan
Club Cricketer
overly realease it
You are actually jealous man first u said u haven't seen my overlay now saying I copied Biggs' idea,how can u say like that without seeing my work?Do u have a sixth sense?
And I clearly added in my post it was inspired my Biggs' overlay I don't have no problem to gave others credits where their due is unlike u 'copycat'.And I never said anything about [both good or bad] Biggs for u to say like this
U r just trying to make a bad impression of me in Bigg's mind but u fail my friend.I don't take anything about bigg whether he is not bad or good in fx or modding to u say like that,I was taking about u just copying me all the time.Really when was the last time official Set Max logo don't have MAX text written?
U copied that itself from me,firstly u said u didn't seen my overlay till now and now speaking like this.
U r a big liar and copy cat.
Thank you! I'm almost done making my overlay...cheers!
Real Stupidity...!
What you want to prove "you are the best"....?
But man you have not done anything such big that i copy yours.
I Don't think i have to clarify each and every point of yours, it's not a big deal. Have a cup of coffee and relax.
If you have any problem with me then its good. But please if you are educated enough then please stop posting here about your work you have your own thread Because i don't have enough time to have a chat with you in such a topic.
Best of luck..!
Well...Nikhil,calm down a lil bit buddy...If you made breakthoughs,you did it..but it doesnt mean nobody can replicate that or make something similar to that,its just modding dude.....And as far as the overlay is concerned, it is an overlay style and there is no need to fight on anything..both of you just be calm and enjoy modding!![]()
Ok I will not speaking anything anymore here but what if he again steal my new works ideas and concepts?
I never said I am the best or so,u r behaving like I steal and copy ur ideas when u do it to me,are u shameless?To show a behaviour like this a guy junior here than u?Where was u till I post my work?Where??And who is the one now showing illiterate by speaking like this and showing ur true attitude.
get on your dictionary and try to find out the meaning of stealing.
stealing is physically/logically copying others files and you know NikhilV had not posted any of his releases or any of his ideas before mine. for me its just being the unknown thing.
and for your information i have already played with these cutscene files. if you want to take credit NikhilV i can post a credit label in the release with your name. i am not having any attitude nor i am great, if you think its your thing then you have your choice.
Listen for that animation thing i have said its your idea.
But about this overlay, if you will say 100 times that i have copied or stealed it will not affect me. I have build it up on my own.
You are shameless because you are Speaking rather crying to get the full attraction of users that you are the only one who can only think of using setmax logo. If someone is copying then he will select that image which he want and copy it to his work. I have said that its been totally built up by me and that max text thing its looking odd that's if someone who is making the overlay never takes it if he wants decent feedback.
Hey man, you are not an exceptional person ony who can think of using photoshop. Go and watch C07 forum and millions of eye catching mods are their from different users which are bit identical.
Copying other things is not in my attitude. You are living in an unreal world. This unwanted posts will not help you. Implement your own work.
Please stop begging here about that copy or steal or blah blah blahh.....
Nikhil if you have evidence he actually took your work, then report plagiarism. Otherwise there's no rule or issue with people taking ideas or expanding on ideas, especially when you're getting as petty as complaining about someone using bevels.
You are to stop the arguments now.
Nikhil if you have evidence he actually took your work, then report plagiarism. Otherwise there's no rule or issue with people taking ideas or expanding on ideas, especially when you're getting as petty as complaining about someone using bevels.
You are to stop the arguments now.