PS3 Online Match Up Thread

Rizzy sounds good I was thinking on the lines of playing a test championship after our current tourney however getting a test series with you would be great... I am fine with rules though dont think there should be a maximum number of overs to declare rule

I ll go for Australia if that is fine with you.. how many matches do u want 2,3,5??

3 Tests should be enough I think, ok yeh you can be Australia, and i agree with no max overs.

So now we just have to arrange the timings for the first test.

Wednesday's, Thursday's and Fridays are best for me, but this week we still have the tourney to get through, so maybe we should start next week.?

(Such a shame they do not have a save feature for online play, with both players agreeing to save the game at a certain point, and then continuing from where they left off, hopefully in the next release.)

Regarding Test Championship, maybe it isnt a bad idea but im not sure how many players would be inrested in it, We can have a special thread dedicated to Test Matches in the Online Games section of the forum, and keep record the stats, and have a point system, but ranked according to win % rather than points, but if were going to do this then i think it would be better to stick to one team, if thats the case we would need to restrict it to 1 fast bowler to make it evenly matched. (I would take Pakistan lol)

Ok iv made a thread regardin a Test Championship, your input would be appreciated lilas11:
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Hey guys, I think im ready to start playing again. Got a bit burnt out on the game but after a few weeks break Im ready to get my butt wooped in Ac09
Hey guys, I think im ready to start playing again. Got a bit burnt out on the game but after a few weeks break Im ready to get my butt wooped in Ac09

Yeah i now what you meen mate, a couple of weeks off and ive taken some real beatings since i started playing again, good to have you on board again.

Ok i have just bouight a ps3 console and i have ashes 09,been dying to play some of you ps3 players,so if u want a game let the jararocket know.

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