Puddle Mafia 03 - Endgame

Can someone clear out BKB's PM box for him haha


Also, as I have to wait 45 seconds between each PM, here's the initial writeup. Confirm either via PM or in here. No voting until we officially go to Day 1.


The giant clocktower that had always cast it's imposing shadow across Duckton like some oversized sundial remained in a perpetual silence. The hands were motionless, as they had been for months. Since that fateful day when order had been slain by chaos, Duckton's only mayor had been anarchy. Streetlights no longer even flickered, the power long since ceasing to flow. Death and destruction littered the city and only the periodic downpours of rain would wash clean the stained streets.

Authority now existed only in the history books that burned so vividly in the many fires. The human husks that scuttled between boarded up buildings in search of sustenance no longer a sign of life, but instead glimpses into a future shrouded by forgetten death.

The long dark nights of winter had nestled Duckton in it's poisonous bosom for an eternity. Fate though had been weaving at her own loom. Today the strands of red, blue and yellow would once again interwine. As the heaviest downpour for months began to ease up, so too did the sun burst through it's bulbous prison. The rainbow that formed appeared to wrap the desolute city in it's warm embrace. Spring was coming, and with it came a new sense of hope.

If you could all confirm you've received your PM either by PM or in here we can proceed with Day 1 writeup. As with last time roles in game will mostly be revealed through the first few writeups.
Can an Admin or Mod give BKB an extra few slots in his inbox? :spy

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