There's the hammer.
I was DV first incarnation and that obviously didn't get off the ground, annoyingly.
When I took pallu's role, I PM'ed puddle and asked him if it'd be possible to get a slightly different role just to keep it interesting for me, which he very kindly did, saying I'd be the Town Drunk and once I'd 'sobered up', I'd get a role. That I did, I was given the role of Saulus, and as such a nightkill would see me become Mafia. Obviously with the death of Sedition there were no Mafia left and I became said Mafia.
I actually slipped up in saying I could become any role that was nightkilled; not sure if any of you noticed but I said I could have become the Prostitute, but that wouldn't have been right as Sedition was a daykill.
My back was very much against the wall, congratulations to you all, well played.