Question to PS2 BLIC owners(please answer)


School Cricketer
Jul 3, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I am tossing up between blic on ps2 or pc, im convinced to get it on ps2 because i have a large tv screen to play on and i find playing on ps2 is more enjoyable and comfortable than sitting at a computer all day but on pc im thinking of getting it purely for the patches now i just wont to know is this game still very enjoyable,challenging without patches?

Thanks guys any feedback would be really appreciated.

Cmon can someone please give me some feedback
tough one.

I rekon it depends on your PC, compare it to your PS2 specs and see which is best.

Myself being an Xbox owner i prefer being on my sofa in front of my nice TV, but if your PC is up to scratch then go for it purely for the patches.
.::Stevo::. said:
tough one.

I rekon it depends on your PC, compare it to your PS2 specs and see which is best.

Myself being an Xbox owner i prefer being on my sofa in front of my nice TV, but if your PC is up to scratch then go for it purely for the patches.

Thanks mate but do you think the game on consoles is just as challenging and fun as with all the patches.
cricketmaster said:
Thanks mate but do you think the game on consoles is just as challenging and fun as with all the patches.
Hmm, well im denietly having fun on the xbox. But after a while some annoying little bugs start to **** you off. And after a while its pretty easy.

So if i had a good enough PC and a controller I'd go for the PC.
If you've got a semi decent PC, get the PC version.
The resolution will be much better. It's easier to patch, and you can pick up an adapter for less than a tenner so you can plug in your PS2 controller.
I have the game on PS2 as my current PC is pants.

However I'm getting a new laptop in the next couple of days and am considering buying the PC version of BLIC.

This is just because decent though the game is, there are a few niggles which will hopefully be resolved by the patches being produced and no one seems to be making any real progress with converting the patches for the PS2 version.

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