


sorry for double posting the same question.....I dont think u guys will answer it in the c2004 section(i accidently asked there w/ my other thing that i had to ask about c2004) anyways.....this is the question:
im having problems playing w/ Cricket 2002 after i reformatted my drive...this is the story:
Cricket 2002 was runnin fine on my machine with my original video card and everythin...
I decided to go buy a Nvidia Geforce 64MB Video Card
The game still ran, but the commentary no longer worked and the wicketkeeper disappeared after the ball was bowled...
After all this happened, i had to reformat my drive cos i had too much crap and my dad was mad
After I computer didnt pick up my old video card(because there was a new place to plug in the monitor on the back because of my new 64mb video card)(if i try to plug it in in the old one, it doesnt pick it up and the monitor just acts like its not plugged in in the computer)
After I installed Cric2002, and tried to open it....a lil black outline came up and then it just crashed(the black outline)...I also have the most updated driver for it (53.something)...and i turned on anisotrophic filtering to 2x and 1x and off..and it didnt change nething...
If u cant solve this problem, can u teach me how to switch back to my old Videocard? I tried going to display properties and i cant switch back from there(the other drivers there, but its not my primary)
Here are my computer specifications:
WindowsME Harddrive: 80GB RAM:256MB Videocard:64MB
(the specs dont really matter, its ran fine before)
Any help would be nice....

My old video card was 14MB but the game ran perfectly on it
again im really sorry about postin it 2x
B) first which one is ur old video card.

second did u format ur pc?

and then installed the new card.
I have the latest drivers for everything....and yes, I formatted my pc and i updated after that everything is updated rite OLD video card driver was an Intel 82810 Graphics Controller...New one is NVIDIA Geforce2 MX/MX 400
The 810/815 motherboard has onboard graphics which are disabled when you attach an external graphics card. So attaching your monitor to the old connector will not work as long as the Nvidia card is attached.

The fact that C2k2 worked previously with the Nvidia card means its definitely a driver/software problem. Check if you have Directx 8 or 9 and that it is installed properly. Try out an older version driver set like the 4x.xx series.

Going back to your old Intel graphics controller you require you to unplug the Nvidia card and maybe change a setting in the BIOS. If you do not have experience with dealing with hardware leave this to a technician or someone else who knows what to do.
k....thanx man...ill try downloading an old do i uninstall the current one?
yea...i downloaded a 42.xx version and it works!!!!! THANX A MILLION MAN!

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