that was real good brigssey!!!Briggsey said:How about this one for Harbhajan?
that isnt half as bad as the Maestro's Default face!! i hope most wuld agree... gud work rahul!! juz needs a lil tweaking ur work....if u culd tell me exactly how to patch them..i can help u....the work gets doubled up if two can work on it! i have done some work for cricket 2004 but '05..i hvent started as yet....wuld luv to help u if u culd juz tell me how to get started.... i do kow a couple of things on getting going graduation and my P.hd right now is in the field of IT and am a pro. cricketer....but still only if u wuldnt mind it....cheez mate!!Aldeco said:Hi could you make a face for Craig McMillan for New Zealand as well as the C.Harris one please pics below show why lol.