Random Thoughts

Adulthood is tough folks.

Last few months have affected my mental health a lot, I was supposed to get married this December unfortunately it got called off in June.Things weren't really good at work as well. Parents are getting older , family responsibilities and stuff like that all that can toll on you.

its one of those feelings which makes you feel really low and broke you feel depressed all the time and even feel empty deep within and feel lonely even with a room full of people.

June, July where extremely tough somehow I keep believing though everything happens for a reason and Almighty has already written our destiny.

For all those who are struggling with silent battles keep believing, be positive and always remember there is always a light at the end of the of the dark tunnel.
Stay strong man, even this will pass.
Adulthood is tough folks.

Last few months have affected my mental health a lot, I was supposed to get married this December unfortunately it got called off in June.Things weren't really good at work as well. Parents are getting older , family responsibilities and stuff like that all that can toll on you.

its one of those feelings which makes you feel really low and broke you feel depressed all the time and even feel empty deep within and feel lonely even with a room full of people.

June, July where extremely tough somehow I keep believing though everything happens for a reason and Almighty has already written our destiny.

For all those who are struggling with silent battles keep believing, be positive and always remember there is always a light at the end of the of the dark tunnel.
Strongs bhai. Hang in there, Almighty is with you!
Adulthood is tough folks.

Last few months have affected my mental health a lot, I was supposed to get married this December unfortunately it got called off in June.Things weren't really good at work as well. Parents are getting older , family responsibilities and stuff like that all that can toll on you.

its one of those feelings which makes you feel really low and broke you feel depressed all the time and even feel empty deep within and feel lonely even with a room full of people.

June, July where extremely tough somehow I keep believing though everything happens for a reason and Almighty has already written our destiny.

For all those who are struggling with silent battles keep believing, be positive and always remember there is always a light at the end of the of the dark tunnel.
On the verge of buying a cold press juicer. Narrowed it down to three options:

(a) Kenstar 150W (6K INR)
(b) Borosil 200W (9K INR)
(c) Libra 240W (11K INR)

Hard to decide which one to go for. I liked Agaro 240W one but it's out of my budget (14K).

Surprising thing is that Kenstar is reputed brand but is priced the least. Wonder why?
Adulthood is tough folks.

Last few months have affected my mental health a lot, I was supposed to get married this December unfortunately it got called off in June.Things weren't really good at work as well. Parents are getting older , family responsibilities and stuff like that all that can toll on you.

its one of those feelings which makes you feel really low and broke you feel depressed all the time and even feel empty deep within and feel lonely even with a room full of people.

June, July where extremely tough somehow I keep believing though everything happens for a reason and Almighty has already written our destiny.

For all those who are struggling with silent battles keep believing, be positive and always remember there is always a light at the end of the of the dark tunnel.
Hang in there brother! I can complete relate with you and going through some things on my own. As many of you know my dog is like my baby. Finding out he had cancer last week was devastating as he is just 2 years old. Hearing him not having much time was even more devastating.

Work is good but not great, had family members with us for last 6 months which was amazing and now they are back to India leaving this void that you cannot explain. We millennials are stupid generation, we want our freedom but we are also connected to our fam. We cannot live with them but we also cannot live without them.

Financially with the dog's cancer it would set us back too tremendously as it will atleast be $10k or more. I am fine with it as long he does not suffer. We men have been taught to be strong and any sign of weakness is a bad weakness in view of the world and society..

All I would say is hang in there for all who are feeling low, find someone to talk to and do not take the burden of carrying everything on your own.
Biology is fun. But when you have to memorise 600 pages worth of information in 8 hours without sleep it becomes less fun and more "Why the hell do I need to know about the gastrointestinal system of a tweaking grasshopper"
Biology is fun. But when you have to memorise 600 pages worth of information in 8 hours without sleep it becomes less fun and more "Why the hell do I need to know about the gastrointestinal system of a tweaking grasshopper"
The thing is you had 800 hours to do it, you decided to do it in 8.
Hang in there brother! I can complete relate with you and going through some things on my own. As many of you know my dog is like my baby. Finding out he had cancer last week was devastating as he is just 2 years old. Hearing him not having much time was even more devastating.

Work is good but not great, had family members with us for last 6 months which was amazing and now they are back to India leaving this void that you cannot explain. We millennials are stupid generation, we want our freedom but we are also connected to our fam. We cannot live with them but we also cannot live without them.

Financially with the dog's cancer it would set us back too tremendously as it will atleast be $10k or more. I am fine with it as long he does not suffer. We men have been taught to be strong and any sign of weakness is a bad weakness in view of the world and society..

All I would say is hang in there for all who are feeling low, find someone to talk to and do not take the burden of carrying everything on your own.

We lost our puppy just two months back when he was less than six months old only. I’d do anything to get him back and still miss him terribly. The bonds we develop with our pets are beautiful and can affect us more than we imagine… I’d say even now that I don’t feel fully comfortable with his passing. Completely understand what you’re going through and hope your dog pulls through no matter what.

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