Random Thoughts

Yes Simon and Tom, I always wear a helmet, that's not the point though. The guy asked about whether he should wear a chest guard or not.
And my answer was, if he feels it will make him play better then yes, though he should understand that if he is wondering around in baseball equipment he is gonna be ripped shitless.
Mean, NZ with the first goal against AUS. (second ever soccer match I've watched)
LOL, pretty average game really. Did only actually watch snippets of it though. Last goal I think was more luck, it seemed like he mis-kicked it.

Anybody watch it in 3D? If so, what's it like?
Yeah, ████ game. We played well in the second half though with encouraging signs such as;
- Vidosic's goal
- Jedinak attempt on goal early in the second half shot
- Culinas one two to set up Vidosics goal
- Culina very active down the right hand side
- Milligan improved vastly and helped a lot in attack
- TOMMYY OOAARRRR. Showed some great pace
- That last goal was set up amazingly.

Yes. Man up. Just hit the ball instead of getting pounded in the body. I personally only wear pads, gloves and a helmet. No need for thigh pads or arm guards, just hit the damn thing.

Thanks for your opinion....I will practice the pull shot and backfoot defence with a bowling machine.
That would be the best thing to do. That way you'll get awesome at playing bouncers and you'll have freedom of movement when batting.

Obviously this is just my opinion, so if you do feel the need for a chest guard then get one. I just think you are better off just making sure you hit every ball that comes chest height.

Can I ask what number you bat at?

Dude, if guys like Tendulkar, Ponting, Lara, or even tailenders can face the fastest bowlers in the world with just a cup (most important! :eek:), pads, helmet, and gloves, you can play club trundlers with the same thing.

You can't compare anyone with the likes of Tendulkar, Lara, and Ponting...let alone a club cricketer.

Cricket is a very hard game...looks easy only on TV.

Some "Club Trundlers" bowl above 70 Mph which is quite quick for non first-class players.
Club Cricket

That would be the best thing to do. That way you'll get awesome at playing bouncers and you'll have freedom of movement when batting.

Obviously this is just my opinion, so if you do feel the need for a chest guard then get one. I just think you are better off just making sure you hit every ball that comes chest height.

Can I ask what number you bat at?

I have just joined a Club Team in New York. I am 37 and haven't played Cricket in years. I play when the club can't find 11 players. Usually bat at number 9 or 10.

I am trying to lose weight and get fit so I can play better and bowl quicker
You can't compare anyone with the likes of Tendulkar, Lara, and Ponting...let alone a club cricketer.

Cricket is a very hard game...looks easy only on TV.

Some "Club Trundlers" bowl above 70 Mph which is quite quick for non first-class players.

It looks easy on TV? Pretty certain I've never once thought International Cricket looked easy, sure, there have been players I was convinced I was better than, or could have bowled/hit them for 6, but I doubt anyone would think Cricket looks easy on TV.

70MPH is quick, no doubting that, but if you've played enough cricket then you should be able to hit them relatively well at that speed, obviously there are balls which happen to have a little extra in them, but thats just the case with Cricket.

And I think you can compare with the good International players. They play to their level, International, were-as we play at our level, everything is the same.

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