Random Thoughts

Flip:mad::mad::mad: google disabled my youtube account just coz i uploaded a video of me showing of the samurai sword :eek: WTF is wrong with them.. they keep vids of chicks showing bboobs but deleted my video and banned my account
My day was immense! I followed up doing well in a French GCSE (I hope) with 1* and 4 wickets on my debut*
*had a friendly last year but with smaller teams
First University exam in just over an hour! It's economics so it should be pretty easy. 3 hours though. Then in 6 hours I have my law exam. That's going to be very difficult :( I have to get a B+/A- at least to get through to second year law. Wish me luck :)
Good luck mate, what happens after? besides a binge drinking session :p

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

Trophies suck, Achievements and Gamerscore is better.

ah poor misguided Kiko, when will you learn and give in to the ps3
OMG, starting since this Monday gone, I will be working 13 out of 14 days. I tell you, I wish I had never taken this tweaking promotion, I am just about getting the energy to cook dinner, let alone party out with my mates :( Feel my chances with a certain young lady slipping away just because I have no free time :(
Official: Taliban execute boy, 7, as spy - Afghanistan- msnbc.com

Suspected Taliban militants publicly hanged a 7-year-old boy for spying in the militant stronghold of Helmand province, an Afghan official told the Associated Press.

The child was placed on trial by the Islamic extremist group and later found guilty of working for Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government, the local official said.

Karzai on Thursday condemned the alleged act, calling it a "crime against humanity".

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