Random Thoughts

just had two germans trying to cheat against me in the final 3 of a poker tournament.

Still won though.

Bit miffed though as I hate people who try and cheat at poker
Re-read the school pranks thread haha. Quality. I remember Jake went nuts at McLovin for no reason. McLovin said "who are you, are you new here?" or something. Jake full told McLovin to neck himself and everything lmao. Got banned for it.

Well, I didn't remember it. Blake did, I just saw I had "LOL quality" deleted but wasn't sure what it was in reply too...
the bulk of the holiday snaps are being uploaded to facebook now.

The worst of me have all ready been put up, but there is one from these were for no reason i am just showing my pubes. For no reason. They look ginger too... I blame the lighting.

Some videos to come at some point - dreading the one of me dancing with some girl from the RAF. I remember it as being farcical, basically she was all over me, but for some reason I was determined to get her to punch me in the face, so didn't do anything as I didn't want to settle for a consolation prize. What baffling thought processes I have.
In my defence the second thing she said to me was "I'm going to punch you in the face". Which I thought would be hilarious. So kept trying to push her buttons and somehow ended up being groped.

I couldn't handle the failure of pulling her.

What makes it even more farcical is that I've just see a picture of her... and she is nicer than you'd feasibly expect me to get near. So I've passed up the chance to metaphorically punch above my weight to attempt an all too literal meaning.
you laugh, but I have to live like this!

Arguable he worst thing is that if given another chance all that I would do differently would be to string her along until a moment where I could ruin it in such a way to get punched.
Oh dear. Just been told by a mate that she "really really likes me" to which classic unsubtle Tom goes, "yeah I like you too" totally not understanding for 5 minutes what she meant. Think this kinda ruins the friendship lol as (and this isn't meant in an arrogant way) she isn't really at my standard for looks plus I am kinda seeing someone else, but jeez now I just feel awkward and to do it on fb chat as well...... Women :facepalm

If she loses a few pounds and sorts her skin out I'll consider her though (yes I am a bastard and karma will get one day for this :laugh)
Oh dear. Just been told by a mate that she "really really likes me" to which classic unsubtle Tom goes, "yeah I like you too" totally not understanding for 5 minutes what she meant.

Did this myself once, albeit I was 15 at the time...

It was by text too, and about an hour later I got the "wait, that's it? You just text me that you like me too and leave it that? wtf?" text and then the penny dropped.

arguably worse though as she sent me a text saying she like me, and being a bit wet behind the ears thought she just meant as a person/mate.

She was all-right though actually, just about too young though in all honesty. would have been stretching the "half your age + 7" rule to its extremities. even with poor rounding and using a favourable number of significant figures.

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