Random Thoughts

Anyone watch How I Met Your Mother? Just finished watching the first season :D

I used to always turn down watching it and overlooked for being a 'yank show' but then when I started going out with my girlfriend she made me watch it and record it so I could watch it and now I love it! Proper top class show, I have only seen bit's and pieces of different seasons, maybe one day I will be able to watch every episode. :p
I move into my student house on monday, really looking forward to leaving home. Going to be an epic house warming party, too. Will almost certainly have at least one major disaster, and could potentially register on the Richter scale.
Any one tried the Snake on youtube? Lol sick idea from Google.

Ya BING, beat that. yes, you are defo not google.

McLOVIN added 2 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

YouTube - Black Screen (starring Black screen)

try it on this black screen. Just click on the video, and hold LEFT key. Point of it is to play and watch youtube at the same time.

McLOVIN added 2 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

And if you want to challenge yourself, you should find a playing snake video on youtube, and play on that. Thats all I did this morning at work. Hardest I've ever work. I love Bank of America.

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