Random Thoughts

Have you ever met anyone who does not like this part of this song?

I'll have to start asking everyone I meet if they like it or not..

Phil Collins is awesome.
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love this song; it was made famous by that drum playing gorilla in the cadbury ad.

I went into my English essay today un-prepared having to write about abuse of authority. I sat there for a while wondering what a good example would be then relised I could write about Mazhar Majeed and his boys. Thank you Pakistan cricket, 3 more credits in the bank.

lol, hopefully your teacher likes cricket, mine almost failed me for writing a creative writing piece on club cricket. :p
love this song; it was made famous by that drum playing gorilla in the cadbury ad.

lol, hopefully your teacher likes cricket, mine almost failed me for writing a creative writing piece on club cricket. :p

lol it was made famous to young people by that ad. To everyone else, it's a classic song.
After 35 sleepless hours of solid travel, I am back home in Michigan. Its a bitter sweet feeling - its good to be back in the USA, back in my own house and my own room (and with much faster internet!) but I really do miss India. I woke up this morning and it was silent except for the whir of my fan above me. It felt strange, as for the last 2 months I was greeted every single morning with the sounds of birds chirping loudly outside, the auto rickshaws rumbling through the streets, vegetable vendors shouting to sell through guerrilla marketing, and of course the cheers and screams from the gully cricket game outside...it was nice. The cereal I ate felt dry and boring in comparison to the flavorful Indian dosas, aapams/idiappams, and idlies I would have every day for breakfast. ANd I really miss the coconut water.

and no more cricket on TV :(

It is sad to leave my aging grandparents every year. That's the worst part of it...I feel so guilty leaving them alone in their old age.
I hear you on the grandparents thing, mine living in England their entire lives I barely saw then 10 times before they passed. Always felt guilty about that but then again so should they, they only came to the US twice
I hear you on the grandparents thing, mine living in England their entire lives I barely saw then 10 times before they passed. Always felt guilty about that but then again so should they, they only came to the US twice
My grandma passed away on the very next day I was born and I don't remember any moment I spent with my grand father.I was so little when he died :crying.
I need to confirm my A level choices tomorrow.

I want to do English lit, History, Physics and Chemistry.

I thought if I do this I can keep my options open and everything. But my "careers advisor" keeps saying that I'm going to need to do maths with physics and chemistry and stuff, and pretty much confusing me.

Can anyone actually give some advice. Is it worth doing 2 sciences, and can you actually get into uni and further with 2 sciences, or will I need to do more?

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