You'll need Math for pretty much any science related field. Physics for all engineering, Chemical for Chem Engineering or Nuclear.I need to confirm my A level choices tomorrow.
I want to do English lit, History, Physics and Chemistry.
I thought if I do this I can keep my options open and everything. But my "careers advisor" keeps saying that I'm going to need to do maths with physics and chemistry and stuff, and pretty much confusing me.
Can anyone actually give some advice. Is it worth doing 2 sciences, and can you actually get into uni and further with 2 sciences, or will I need to do more?
That is all.
Glad the Stigs identity has been revealed, can't stand Top Gear. A big arrogant, nasty teethed pom talking about meaningless bullshit. I don't understand men who go gaga over cars, especially the ones over 25.
He better not, I thought he despised America. What a fat nasty toothed hypocrite.