Just got back from a night in town. A friend nearly got us involved in a fight at the end though which was a bit nerve-racking.
We were in Burger King having a meal to end the night and about to get taxis. I was with a few of my mates (2 guys, 3 girls), and these guys at another table started through chips at us. One of my mates decided to leave at that point (don't know whether he wanted to avoid confrontation, or didn't feel it was going to escalate, but he left), but my other (guy) mate started staring at them. He was still quite drunk at this point, but not as drunk as they were I suspect. They take offense at him staring, get into a verbal fight, but my friend doesn't want to back down. The girls and I were just telling him to sit back down, and when they got up I was trying to restrain him. Luckily some of the other people in BK saw what was going on and came and tried to intervene.
My mate got a burger thrown at him, and they threw their coke (drink) onto him, soaking his shirt and getting a couple of the girls too. They left at that point, hanging round outside, while we restrained my friend from going out and dealing with them. We had the support of everyone inside but still at the time it was quite an anxious few moments. The girls were scared shitless and frightened to go outside to their taxis. Needless to say, it was quite an interesting end to the night, and in the taxi home, my mate kept on going on about how he could've taken them and how he'd done nothing wrong.
I know some of you may say that we should have just taken them on, but there were three of them, in their mid-twenties, and my mate and I are both 18, and not the strongest people you'd find. We probably could have won with the support of the other guys in BK, but I didn't want to risk the police coming out, big brawl, etc.
Town can be quite interesting sometimes.
Chewie added 1 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...
And now to bed at 5:10 in the morning