I am backk! I just had the best labor day weekend ever!
ok, 1st of all starting with Saturday. I went to UCB, Berkeley to meet up with my girl.. ok ex girl that I went out with in my senior year. Few other high school friends showed up, who are all in different colleges now, so it was great to be together again. Of course we went to the football game. Cal bears kicked ass. It was like 60-3 or something like that. (shoulda asked Mark to open a vB on that).
Sunday, which was the 2nd day of 3 day labor day holiday T20 tourny, which we play in every year. I missed the 1st day of course, so I didn't get picked on the 2nd. Played on the 3rd and final day, on Monday. I picked up 5 wickets in 2 matches, and scored around 30-40 runs. We came in 3rd. Lost the semi, and won the 3rd place decider.
And that's not even the best part. And the best part is.... we got a Hurst Hemi Dodge Challenger!!!! HOW SICK IS THAT! I slept in it for last 2 days! It's not officially mine yet. But I still get to drive it. I am not used to driving a stick shift. It's awesome. I am not a car person, I was never all that excited about cars. But if you send next to this...
Funny part is, I was happy to get a Chevy Camaro, but THIS!! Chick Magnet all over it!
McLOVIN added 4 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...
btw, that was the last day of Summer. It's already raining! So bah bye to Sun and tan! Look like one of those light Mexicans.