Random Thoughts

Gin and juice is somewhat bearable for me. I'm mostly a Jack and coke or Jack straight person. If I'm not paying, then expensive tequila
Can't stand Whisky, truly horrid in my opinion, even if its been diluted with coke or the like.
Not that anyone will care :p but today I broke the record for amount of money taken in by my shop for a Sunday shift since the records begin for our store. Up 35% on last years total and a 15% conversion rate increase on the rest of the UK stores. I deserve a bloody promotion but if I go any higher I'd have to quit my degree lol.

And yes, whisky is trully disgusting, can't stand it unless I'm too drunk to care! Jack Daniels and coke is about the only thing I can manage but that isn't real whisky :p
Cheers mate :) Nah I ain't quitting, they already offered me a trainee manager position at another store. I said offer it to me in 2 years time and I might consider it once I've finished my degree.

I dunno, whenever I mention it to my dad he slags off Jack Daniels, he is a bit of a purist when it comes to whiskey lol
haha yea I was wondering about that but just chalked it up to some British slang or some cultural reference that I didn't get lol

Its now social norm in England to end a sentence with an unrelated question.

Must be all that warm beer you drank


Also has anyone here played on XBOX Kinect yet?
Nothing worse than a warm beer. Almost as bad as a hot Ice Cream.


Nah haven't tried it but from a playtest I've watched it looked like there was quite a bit of lag between you moving and it happening on screen.
That's what I'm wondering. Because the PS Move is supposedly very accurate and precise. So I'd rather have a controller and pin point accuracy than no controller and a lack of precision.
And yes, whisky is trully disgusting, can't stand it unless I'm too drunk to care! Jack Daniels and coke is about the only thing I can manage but that isn't real whisky :p
I dunno, whenever I mention it to my dad he slags off Jack Daniels, he is a bit of a purist when it comes to whiskey lol

Maybe once your tastes mature...

@Mark - gin and tonic with ice and a lemon slice. Very moreish.

I pretty much only drink gin/beer/wine/malt whisky (not mixed together though).

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