awesome weekend.
Not really done anything. Went to a terrible football match. been a little bit ill and still a bit worried about the doctor's on monday. So on paper it has been a terrible weekend (to top it off I just went to the swimming baths, got changed etc. before finding out it shuts at one, so I have made a wasted journey)
plus some people I don't like came back to our house after they had been to town with some of my housemates and disturbed me whilst watching the ashes/playing fm, which irritated me.
but without the internet for the week in the house and a few other things giving me a lot of time to think things through and I've made some changes. remodelled my bowling action if you will. Just minor tweaks mainly as I was pretty close to where I wanted to be anyway. Still a few details to iron out but basically I am now going to be 30% more awesome. minimum.