Random Thoughts

Horrible few days for me. Split up with the missus who I did really have feelings for, but I'm getting to the stage in my life where I'm planning my life ahead and she didn't have enough ambition. Just wanted to kinda float through life, not get out there and make something of herself. Plus I kinda already met someone who wants to do that and yeah things might progress with her......

Got to say I feel pretty scummy as she is such a lovely person and we were both genuinely upset and all my mates are giving me a hard time about it, feel well hacked off with life in general. Had an exam at 9 and was in the pub by 11 with 2 of my best mates, was getting emotional by half 12 was kicked out by 1, woke up 2 hours ago and now have a splitting head ache as well. I'm going to find a rock and crawl underneath it, feeling very sorry for myself at the moment :( (Even though it is all my own fault)

Keep your chin up mate, im asuming by the fact you say your doing exams your still a young guy, i apologise if i am wrong, but you still have so much to see and do so there is a strong chance you will have many more relationships before you get to the point where you find someone to settle 100% with.

Ive been through a similar thing with my now wife, we split up 8 years ago, had 3 years apart, then in 2006 we got back together and now have 2 kids, so you just never know what the future holds, but to be fair i didnt want to split and boy did she break my heart, and that is the worst pain i have ever known, anyone who has had their heart broke knows exactly what im saying.

All the best.
Youngish lol. 21. Yeah, that's kinda the reason I split up with her. She could have easily been the "one" as people say so much at the moment, but I want to either leave the country or move to a big city in England when I finish my degree and she wants to stay up north so in my eyes it didn't have a future. On the other hand this other girl wants to definetly move south when we finish our degree's somewhere like London and make a big success of herself, basically my idea of what I want, and whilst it may not work as it is very very early days lol, I reckon we are more compatible.

Ah that sucks, but at least you got there in the end :)
all my mates are giving me a hard time about it

Your true mates will back whatever decision you make, regardless of their opinion.

You'll get through it, Tom, however hard it is now it will of course get better. You've stuck by your beliefs, if that's not a compromise you were willing to make then power to you for making that choice, it sounds like the right one imo, not that it should matter, you have to be selfish in such situations, do what you want/need to do.
Your true mates will back whatever decision you make, regardless of their opinion.


pretty mature reason to break up with someone though. Christ I panic and get commitment issues if a girl asks me to buy her a drink. the concept of a relationship terrifies me, but here you are, about a year older breaking up because you want different things in a few years time.

I don't even know if I'm going to play football in an hour's time or not.


also smashed my favourite mug about a week ago. ordered a new one. it came today but no-one was up and wouldn't fit through the letter box. I'm still pretty new to the area so don't really know where the post office I am supposed to go to get it is, nor do I have any billls/bank statements sent here so may not be able to get it anyway.

“It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.”

Although the quote doesn't quite fit the situation, I found it today and I liked it.
[/COLOR]also smashed my favourite mug about a week ago. ordered a new one. it came today but no-one was up and wouldn't fit through the letter box. I'm still pretty new to the area so don't really know where the post office I am supposed to go to get it is, nor do I have any billls/bank statements sent here so may not be able to get it anyway.


dominated the post office. turned up 47 minutes after the closing time and still got my parcel. winner
tuesday night out and about (i had an exam wednesaday and work tuesday night, i told work I had to stay off for the exam... then I told uni I wanted to suspend studies for a year) so, free night out in town.

everything was fine, bumped into the girl who stole those photos of me, done a hi-five feint, and therefore got my revenge.

then a little later I don't know what happened. But my housemate's girlfriend has explained that her mate stole a bottle of brandy from behind the bar and they forcefed it to me. I got home okay but with zero memory.

But today something irritated me, said girl from above was asking another housemate for gradings of her friends, then went "here ste, what do you think?... actually, there is no point asking you"

i took umbrage with the last bit, and she still hasn't explained what she meant. I will kick off if she thinks I'm a bit darren.
What the hell is a darren?

I'm just emerging from basically a 2 day long drinking sess. I have very little memory of Wednesday night or most of Thursday. Somehow managed to get into work and close the shop up, then went to a pub and clubbing straight after work in my work uniform still. Name badge missing in action. Shop keys, briefly missing in action but found again by a man on a bouncy castle (I reckon I would get in big trouble for that one if my manager found out) Left shoe, also missing in action.

Then some girl came up, dressed only in what I can describe as some sort of cavewoman outfit goes to me are you and that guy (my work mate) gay? When she found out I wasn't she tried to pull me which soooo wasn't happening, only then to see my mate attempting to get free from some sort of blonde "thing" so being a good wingman, I ran up behind him, rugby tackled him to the floor and we both got kicked out and spent the early hours of the morning making a 10 minute walk back last 45 minutes as we kept getting lost.

Ah, I'm officially happy again :p
The number one cause of alcoholic relapse in winged insects is being trapped in a pint glass with an ashtray.

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