Horrible few days for me. Split up with the missus who I did really have feelings for, but I'm getting to the stage in my life where I'm planning my life ahead and she didn't have enough ambition. Just wanted to kinda float through life, not get out there and make something of herself. Plus I kinda already met someone who wants to do that and yeah things might progress with her......
Got to say I feel pretty scummy as she is such a lovely person and we were both genuinely upset and all my mates are giving me a hard time about it, feel well hacked off with life in general. Had an exam at 9 and was in the pub by 11 with 2 of my best mates, was getting emotional by half 12 was kicked out by 1, woke up 2 hours ago and now have a splitting head ache as well. I'm going to find a rock and crawl underneath it, feeling very sorry for myself at the moment

(Even though it is all my own fault)