Random Thoughts

"Are you a bird collector? 'Cause you've got a nice set of hooters... Fancy coming to the Prom with me?"
There is one particular girl I've got my eye on...but she's a junior. Our proms are seniors only but juniors can come as dates...but it is kinda 'out of the norm'... ie she isn't expecting it. There are tons of those senior girls who aren't taken who would defo say yes but my situation is a bit trickier.

I got close today... but chickened out. I have no problems talking to her or anything, infact we're pretty good friends, I just can't man up and do this for some reason. I guess my fear is that prom is still a ways away and it will be awkward until that day, especially if she says no.

How pathetic do I sound right now? :noway
sack up and do it you pussy. You won't even remember the names of half these people in 10 years ,let alone care what they think
Got my public law test in a couple of hours. Rather nervous. I haven't had to write a law essay in half a year so I need to revise the correct layout and stuff. Luckily it's open book so I don't need to remember all the case names and stuff like that. Going to be interesting to see how I do. Got my maths tests tomorrow as well and I haven't started studying. Maths is easy though.

And man up Cricketman :p
Got my public law test in a couple of hours. Rather nervous. I haven't had to write a law essay in half a year so I need to revise the correct layout and stuff. Luckily it's open book so I don't need to remember all the case names and stuff like that. Going to be interesting to see how I do. Got my maths tests tomorrow as well and I haven't started studying. Maths is easy though.

Stupid law, I would have done so much better in my accounting test last night if it was open book.

I got CompSci tomorrow night, I can't think of anything better I'd rather be doing on Friday night.
haha in law, open book isn't too helpful when you have pages and pages of cases. Accounting 101's easy! :p
Accounting 101's easy! :p

If you can be bothered doing the work.
It'll be pretty borderline on whether I pass the test or not, I'm aiming for a B in the course overall, so hopefully I managed to get up to get like 60% in it, and then in the exam I can get like 70%.

Stats should be fun on Monday though, I'm aiming for 20/21/22 out of 22 without doing any study, the whole thing is multi-choice...
How pathetic do I sound right now? :noway

Very ;)

I guess my fear is that prom is still a ways away and it will be awkward until that day, especially if she says no.

I love it how when you are younger you get so worked up on how things might be "awkward" or "what everyone will say". You do realise even if she says no (which by the sounds of it, is not likely) it would be weird for a few days, a week tops. People forget how quickly life moves on and something else will crop up which will grab your attention.

Put it this way, wouldn't you much rather ask and her and for her to say no, or not ask her, her to go with someone else and you to find out later she would have said yes, but you blew your chance? I know which one I would pick.

Anyway, in America isn't the whole point of prom to get your leg over before uni? Surely you would want one of the "senior" girls as I'm sure that'll be on a lot of their minds? ;)
Anyway, in America isn't the whole point of prom to get your leg over before uni? Surely you would want one of the "senior" girls as I'm sure that'll be on a lot of their minds? ;)

someone watched too many low brow American comedies :p

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