Random Thoughts

Not elitist, we just have a much larger population. Everyone can't go to college, someone has to clean the toilets.
Here barely anything is given by the government (in fear of 'socialism') so all grants/scholarships are given directly by the private party. Its about time the government got rid of the middle man (banks) and sanctioned student loans directly themselves, eliminating large overhead costs and helping students directly. Especially if you work in Public health or something, you pay your loans back for a specific period of time and then, if you are in good standing, the balance of your loan is forgiven. This is exactly what Obama is doing and I think it is a fantastic initiative.

On an unrelated note, Affirmative action ticks me off.
I hate affirmitive action as well, it puts unqualified people into jobs they should not have. Agreed that it was needed in the 60s-80s but it has served its purpose since and now causes reverse discrimination against whites and asians.
Not elitist, we just have a much larger population. Everyone can't go to college, someone has to clean the toilets.

You also have far bigger university's than us here, which I thought made up for the population difference. Here you can't go to university on a "sporting" scholarship either.
That is only because college sports is so huge in America, brings prestige+publicity to colleges, sells merchandise, brings interest to the school and what not to cover anything you might pay.

Plus you don't need a sporting scholarship when a) college sports isn't big and b) you only have to pay like 6k a year. (this was from my mate who went to school in Scotland, supposedly if you are a Scottish resident everything is free!)

I will be paying college fees for the rest of my life. I am currently looking at, let's see here - 25,000(4) + 35,000 (4) = 240k debt in a best case scenario, with 4 years of undergrad+4years of med school.
In Hong Kong I'll be paying only about $42,000 HK for tuition each year, due to being a local. That is only about $5,400 US.

I think it's best if you can go study in your 'home' country. US fees are pretty cheap for locals, from what I hear. About half the amount it costs a foreigner. The same applies to Canada, UK, Australia and India as well.

So yea, studying isn't expensive if you go to your home country to do so.
I had to endure the worst hour of my life today in music, my teacher was overseeing GSCE's so we have to sit through Mamma Mia and all the girls singing along to it.

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