Rohit's Downloads

Here comes Inzamam :)

This has to be by far the hardest face I had to make, the biggest problem here is that the head size is too small for Inzy and I had to somehow give it the illusion that he's chubby, I think I semi-succeeded in that, please leave your comments. I hope you guys like it.

Here's my Sachin face that was in another thread and despite my multiple requests to have them merged, since no one merged it, I'll just put it in this thread myself :).

Download it from here if you don't have Winzip:


    164.8 KB · Views: 172
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looks very good except for his hair, just make it a bit lighter, this seems like he has put on some jet black hair colour.
Yeah they both look good, especially Sachin. It's a big improvment on EA's version of him :)
Guys I took a bit of a break from making faces, I'll get back to it in a few days, I just made my first attempt at a Slazenger ball, tell me what you guys think.



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BDM Ball

This is my new BDM ball that I made to my liking, I think you guys will enjoy it, let me know :).



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Gray Nicolls ball

Here you go guys, a newly made GN ball, please leave your comments guys.

Here's another fantasy ball that some of you might enjoy :)



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I'll assume that people aren't enjoying the stuff I make therefore, I guess I'm going to have to stop.
my advice to you: create such good faces as sachins. this are thing which everyone needs. a ball is only an extra, but not needed really.
akira2291 said:
my advice to you: create such good faces as sachins. this are thing which everyone needs. a ball is only an extra, but not needed really.

Thanks akira, the only reason I don't make too many faces is because it takes me long to make it and get it in synch with the game, I guess I'll do one at a time as usual, my releases won't be coming too frequently but I will be working on them :)
dont be so sensetive!! People replying is a bonus, maybe they are too busy having fun with ur faces/fantasy balls!
hey enigma..great work buddy..wish i was half as good in making faces...:D
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Man ndn_enigma ur Inzamam ROCKS i swear its the best face edtied by you REPS for ya body keep up the good work perhaps u can also make other Pakistani faces like younis,youhana,razzaq,afridi,sami,akmal...

I have those players pictures in my thread have a look buddy good job KEEP IT UP
Man ndn_enigma ur Inzamam ROCKS i swear its the best face edtied by you REPS for ya body keep up the good work perhaps u can also make other Pakistani faces like younis,youhana,razzaq,afridi,sami,akmal...

I have those players pictures in my thread have a look buddy good job KEEP IT UP
Sehwag V2 :)

Alright guys, I know my first Sehwag face wasn't up to the standards I set with Sachin, I hope this one makes up for it. Let me know what you think. I hope you like it



    87.6 KB · Views: 101

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